The Masquerade

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As much as Gabriel hated to admit that his mother was right, because she always was, the masquerade ball was a wonderful idea. It seemed that most people in attendance were losing their inhibitions due to no one being able to see their faces. That suited Gabriel just fine. It meant less people having to talk to him. He carefully chose his ensemble for the evening to not appear overtly royal as to keep all eyes off of him. The Bauta mask he wore did a fantastic job of covering his face. He blended in nicely with the rest of the crowd. Now he didn't have to worry about anyone's dishonest intentions.

He was actually surprised not many people bothered to speak with him alone. He mingled with the crowd with a glass of wine in his hand. He talked politics with the bureaucrats, wine season with the farmers, and the best vacation locations with the other nobles. As far as everyone was concerned, Gabriel was one of them. It felt... relieving to him. Although he didn't want to use the ball to possibly find a wife or... spouse, a piece of him hoped that maybe he could. There was no one here that seemed to strike his interest. No one that really stood out for him. He smiled at both of his parents who were sitting on their thrones in their own masks but wearing their crowns. He was beginning to think his mother knew what he was up to, added to the fact that he wasn't necessarily putting in any extra effort on his part.

He thought about grabbing another glass of wine and falling into the shadows before a silence filled the room. Gabriel was a bit confused as to why the music even stopped before following the silence and everyone's eyes. That led him to look at the top of the grand staircase that led down to the ballroom floor where everyone currently was. Once he saw what everyone else was seeing his heart palpitated in his chest. His palms immediately grew sweaty and suddenly his mouth couldn't produce saliva.

A man stood at the top of the staircase in the most glamourous apparel even Gabriel had ever seen. The white and gold sculpted around his body like a second skin and his bejeweled mask sparkled in the candlelight. As he walked down the staircase, his cape moved ethereally as it dragged on the stairs behind him. He was, without a doubt, the most captivating person Gabriel had laid eyes on. Even more than Cello, who he had met in the forest earlier that week. He had no idea who this man was, but he needed to get his attention before anyone else did. He made his way towards the man as everyone seemed to be glued to where they stood. That worked out perfectly for him as he drew closer to the man.

Gabriel paused when he saw another man speak with him. He was too late. He cursed himself silently before deciding to fall back and wait it out. A person who demanded that much attention by simply entering the room was bound to be popular with everyone tonight.


Cello didn't mean to have all eyes on him as soon as he made it to the castle. As he headed towards the ballroom even the King's Guard, known for their stoic disposition, glanced his way. He almost turned back to the carriage before Lucky gave him a shooing motion with his arms. It looks like he had to see this through. When he got to the top of the staircase even more eyes looked at him until every person in the room watched him. The King and Queen were also looking his way.

It was a good thing everyone was wearing masks otherwise he would have felt completely out of his element. The mask made him feel a bit invincible. He could be someone else tonight. He didn't have to be Cello, the poor orphan whose family treats him as a slave and manservant. He could be a noble who sailed from Nostradamus. He could have finished at university and came to vacation at the kingdom of Arcadia. He didn't have to be him.

As he carefully stepped down the stairs, he smiled at the friendly faces he passed. They all seemed to be carrying on back to their previous conversations which made him feel better. He was making his way towards the buffet table before he was stopped by a tall, thin man in burgundy. The deep black fleur-de-lis pattern accentuated his attire.

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