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Cello woke up before the dawn and began to prepare for his morning chores. When he attempted to get out of bed, a massive arm wrapped around him and pulled him back into a bare-naked chest.

"Go back to sleep, my love," Prince Gabriel whispered in Cello's ear. Cello's back was against Gabriel's chest and he held him firmly in place.

"But-" Cello tried to protest.

"You need to do nothing but stay here and warm my bed," Gabriel kissed Cello's temple before plopping his head back down on his pillow. He began to snore softly. Cello was having a hard time staying asleep past the rising of the sun. It would take a while before he would get used to it. He could finally relax and enjoy his life. There were no chores needing to get done. No farm that needed tending. No animals that needed his attention, aside from Lucky who was sleeping soundly at the foot of the enormous bed he shared with Gabriel. Lucky absolutely loved his new home and loved causing a ruckus for everyone. For some reason, if Cello went looking for him, he was always with Captain Yu Ling whom he seemed permanently attached to. The captain didn't mind. He told Cello that Lucky listened to him more than his own men did anyway. 

Cello was welcomed with open arms by King Yusef and Queen Moira. They immediately began treating him like family and referred to him as "son". His wedding with Gabriel wouldn't be for another few weeks, but he was absolutely ecstatic to spend the rest of his life with this man. With this family. In a home that actually felt like a home and not a prison.

Gabriel hired farmhands to continue the work of Cello's parents. Cello would visit his home at least once a week to update his parents on his busy life of being the new crown prince. Although he was talking to tombstones, he felt better and better each week as he talked to them. Gabriel would always sit with him on that hill underneath the big oak tree. He watched as Cello told his parents everything going on in his life. He would smile fondly at Cello and squeeze him tightly when he began to get overwhelmed with emotions.

Cello received a letter from Adam. He finally escaped his father's hold and decided to strike out on his own. He wasn't sure if Cello wanted to see him, but he left the invitation open so they could catch up. Adam wasn't a good brother to Cello at all and he vowed to spend the rest of his life making it up to him, but he would only do so if Cello allowed him to. He didn't want to force Cello to do anything he was uncomfortable with. Cello wrote him back.

He snuggled closer to Gabriel as the warmth of the other man's body covered and soothed him. Gabriel's arm tightened slightly around Cello's torso as he continued to snore. Cello looked down at his left hand, touching the new ring that made its home on his third finger. It was an extravagant silver band that housed the kingdom's crest on top of it. The name De Luca was inscribed around the band of the ring. On the inside of the ring, the words "mi amor" were carved. The ring was gifted to him by Gabriel as a promise that they were soon to be married. He touched his father's ring that he now wore on a silver chain around his neck. He brought the ring to his lips as his eyes began to get heavy and he easily went back to sleep.

A single twinkle of light soared across their bedroom and floated above their bed. Lucky's senses woke him up as he looked right at the light that began to fly towards their balcony doors. Lucky hopped off the bed and scampered to the doors as one opened wide enough for him to fit through. The light flew in a circle above him quickly until it radiated around him. He transformed into a human again. He smiled down at his hands and twirled around on the balcony overlooking the ocean.

"You know I can keep you this way," Cello's fairy drag mother appeared next to Lucky in a flurry of glitter.

"Maybe," he told her. "But I think Cello still needs me as I really am for now." He walked towards the balcony and looked off into the distance, watching the waves of the ocean crash on the shore. The sun was almost getting ready to wake up.

"Let me know if you change your mind," she told Lucky, watching the ocean along with him.

"Give me some time," Lucky smiled. "I may take you up on that offer." His mind went immediately to Captain Yu Ling. She touched his shoulder as she began to fade away. "Where are you going now?"

"There's a man named Adam who needs my help," she smiled before completely disappearing. Lucky turned back into his original border collie body before scampering back inside. He hopped on the bed in front of Cello and licked his cheek. He lied down in front of him as Cello subconsciously rubbed his fur before placing an arm on top of his body. Lucky smiled inside and drifted off to sleep.


Thanks so much for taking the time to read my fairy tale. I actually didn't take too long to write it. I'm in the process of thinking about writing a second one. It'll be three short stories about Adam, Lucky, and the wedding.

I also have photos that I wanted to add of who I pictured as each character but felt that it would take away from the imagination of the reader.

Let me know what you think and please tell me how you liked the story.

Thanks so much again!

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