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She looked like her usual self yet at the same time, she looked different. There was something about the way she moved, the way her hips swayed. And when Sebastian looked at her, he noticed the sensual purse of her lips as she gazed up at him and wished him a happy birthday.

"Come on, Babe, blow the candle," urged London at his side, putting her hand around his arm.

Sebastian spared one look at Andin then blew the candle. The crowd cheered and one by one, his guests started to congratulate him and wish him well. Soon, Sebastian left the guests to join her siblings. Two out of seven of them were here celebrating his birthday. Albeit there were so many of them, they were truly close with each other. They had not had any cousins since both of their mother and father were only children.

"We still don't know where he went," said Thornton, informing Sebastian about their missing brother Draven Summers. After their grandfather had written Draven off his will, his little brother had taken it so badly that he had run away from home. Their grandfather had been too prideful to look for him and ordered everyone not to search for him. Now that their grandfather had passed away, the Summers siblings wanted to find their missing brother. They had hired private investigators and other professionals but until now, all their efforts were in vain. Draven's whereabouts were still unknown.

"Poor Draven," said Clara, shaking her head and letting out a sad sigh. "I miss him terribly, Tony."

Their eldest brother, Thornton, put his arms around Clara and held her close. "I know, Clara. We all do."

"I could try asking Declan to get more information in China," said Sebastian with a sigh. Even before he was going to do it, he already felt slightly hopeless. Declan was Draven's twin brother who had gotten married with a Chinese girl to fulfill the promise their grandfather had made over fifty years ago.

"We'll find him," said Clara, being as optimistic as usual. "I know we will. Sooner or later. We are family and we will be together again."

Sebastian let out an exasperated sigh, he had grown weary both emotionally and physically. As he was listening to his brother Thornton and his sister Clara when his eyes caught the sight of Andin except that she was not alone. His body was instantly jolted with jealousy. Standing next to Andin with his arms around her shoulder and his body pressed against hers was a young man he had never seen before. A young man that would never be mistaken as an accountant nor a tax advisor.

"I'm sorry, I have to find my secretary," said Sebastian. Somehow he couldn't keep still while watching Andin standing way too close to her companion.

"Your secretary?" Clara blinked, her eyes scanning her surroundings. "Look around, dude. You're at a party. Your own birthday party, to be exact."

Sebastian growled. "I'm well aware, Little Sister."

"Why do you need to find your secretary? Is it something related to work?" asked Thornton lightly. Unlike his little sister who gave him an incredulous look dripped with suspicion.

"Yes," he answered firmly. "What else would I need her for?" Then without waiting for any of his siblings to reply, Sebastian stormed off to find Andin.

"Miss Williams," welcoming her with a bright, cheery tone which perhaps was a little too cheerful compared to the stormy look he had on his face. Sebastian slid his gaze to Andin's companion. "And you must be Damon Matthews?"

"You're right," answered the younger man. He radiated self assurance, his dark eyes twinkled in friendliness. "And you must be her boss."

"That I am."

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