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Sebastian Summers didn't like this. Not even one bit. He could even consider thas the worst birthday he'd ever had. No, he could not blame it on the food being served. They were splendid, cooked, and prepared he his younger brother, Maxon Summers, who was one of the best chefs in the U.S. And he couldn't fault the decor either, they were exactly how he wanted it: elegant and high class. The band playing the music right now was also giving their best performance so he couldn't fault that either.

What irritated him the most was the fact that his little secretary who had always shown propriety suddenly decided to let loose tonight and not only did she do this on her own, she had a gorgeous man at her side, eager to please her and could not wait for the pleasurable night that might follow afterward — preferably in her place or his.

Sebastian needed some time to cool himself or else he would drag Andin to the nearest available room and shake some sense into her. And then do what?

He shook the naughty, inappropriate thought off his mind. To think that he was this attracted to his secretary was almost insane. It was true that since the first time he had laid his eyes on her, he had felt an immediate attraction. Unlike his previous secretaries, she had that cool, peaceful air about her. Furthermore, with her indifference, he had to press down any desire he had for her and tell himself that it was not worth losing a perfectly good secretary.

"Are you okay?" inquired London as she lightly touched his arm. She had followed him to the balcony, clearly unaware that he wanted to be alone.

"I'm fine," he retorted without a glance.

"You don't sound fine. Did I make you angry?" asked London worriedly.

Sebastian nearly laughed. It was really funny how London had thought that she had been the cause of her anger while the one person who had made him angry was enjoying herself with her handsome lover inside the dining hall. "I'm not angry. I'm just tired."

He wasn't entirely lying. He was truly tired of watching his secretary and thboy toytoy of hers!

"Then why did you not make love to me?" London pouted, her hand caressing the side of his face. "You didn't even respond to my kiss. Are you bored with me already?"

In all honesty, he had gotten bored of London Star. Her incessant demand to meet and have sex had lost its appeal. He thought he would date her for at least a month and yet since last Friday, he had barely seen her. It was absurd to have this sudden burst of sexual fantasies about his little uptight secretary Miss Andin Williams when he had London Star, the gorgeous actress, who was at his beck and call and was more than willing to satisfy his carnal needs. Yet he did not even want to touch her. All he wanted was to touch his secretary. Inappropriately. When there were only the two of them. When there was nothing but sheets between their naked bodies.

"Damn it," Sebastian growled at his sudden desire to kiss and ravish Andin. If only she did not have that boy toy of hers here. If only she had come alone.

"I-I'm sorry, Sebastian. I don't know what has gotten to me to say that," murmured London apologetically and Sebastian almost felt bad for lashing out at her when she had done nothing except annoyingly adore Andin's boy toy.

"It's fine," he replied and leaned back against the cool metal railing and wondered if he perhaps needed a quick cold shower before he went back to the dining hall. And all this trouble was caused by none other than his little secretary!

* * *

Sebastian stopped dead in his tracks. There in the middle of the dance floor, his secretary was wrapped around the arms of her lover, Damon. She'd perfectly melted and the look on her face was pure bliss. Her lips parted as if she wasn't only dancing but also involved in an activity that was far more intimate, more passionate. It was tempting his every nerve for she had been cold with him the entire night yet she was warm and sensual with this other man.

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