.: 1/25/23 :.

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⭒⸼⁺〭 ⚝ ⸢ some memories ⸥ ⚝⸼°⭒⸼⁺

⁺⭒°⸼ ⸢ remembered that I can use the little header thing I use for more than just my mood! Maybe I'll use it to track stuff but that's for future me.

I've been feeling kinda strange today, and earlier as I was working on my cape, I had a flash of memory.

I was a wolf in a human body. I realized thia because I came into contact with wolf DNA, and my own body reacted: my magically-human body, exposed to naturally unchanged wolf DNA, recognized it as my real species and threw the magic keeping me fully human out of whack, allowing me to start learning how to shift.

I don't know if it was like this for all wolf shifters, because I knew some who came from long lines of werewolves whose abilities came from their ancestors and were passed down, not something that happened (we thought) to "correct" a soul that ended up in the wrong body.

Some of the other shifters in my pack had done spells to become wolves, but we thought they might have been like me and something in the spell messed with the human magic. When I was a young adult, I got DNA tested and it came back as wolf DNA, so others in the pack did the same out of curiosity. A few of them still had human DNA, so we thought there might be a way to become a wolf shifter without being a werewolf relative or a misplaced wolf soul!

I don't want to commit to any solid idea of my form, because I'm wary of that interfering with my progress dealing with the thing that's been making it hard for me to get a clear look at who I am. But I'm committing now to the knowledge that I was wrong! About so much!

I'm really excited to keep working through this. It's like breaking down a brick wall with a skinny little pickaxe! But I think I might make new book once I come through it, because I think I even have a name now. Not committing to anything yet! But I'll probably be making a new book with a new front page and save my faolanposting on the shelf. I think a lot of that was... Written by an unreliable narrator, so to speak. Sorry sorry I'm being cryptic but I have to be vague because I'm trying to look at things from a clean slate ;_;

I promise I'll post what's been going on once I totally one hundred percent know what's going on!!  ⸥⭒⸼⁺⭑

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