39 || A True Friend

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Getting used to being able to cast spells was something new to Aubrey who tried exploring the endless possibilities. He stood there deciding on a spell to cast before he finally made a choice.

It was insane how he could tailor the spell according to his desires, and as soon as he casted the spell he thought of on himself, he saw that he could see Sammy again. Sammy who was standing there looking around unaware that Aubrey could see him now.

"Are you always following me?" Aubrey asked, catching his attention.

They were in his room this time, and Sammy looked at him with a curious look as his eyes went down to Aubrey's neck before he shook his head. "Not always."

"Then how long have you been here?"

"Not long, I swear." Sammy held up his hands giving him an innocent look, but he was telling the truth. Not much time passed since he decided to search for Aubrey, but he was disappointed to find that he was still invisible to him. Not anymore it seems. "How are you doing that? How can you see me?"

As far as Sammy could see, there was no mark on Aubrey's neck. He really was stumped, but Aubrey awkwardly showed him an empty hand before he told him. "I casted a spell."

"Didn't know there's a spell for that." Sammy muttered wondering how that knowledge escaped him.

It seems like Aubrey caught the source of his confusion, but he didn't want to tell him anything more because he did remember Sammy warning him about that. If Sammy didn't know anything, whoever was forcing him to speak would not be able to get anything useful out of him.

Aubrey didn't need anymore people knowing about him, so he opted to not answer his question.

"You're the only ghost I can see." He told him instead making Sammy tilt his head with his mouth agape. He placed both of his hands on his chest where his heart would be and smiled. It explained why Aubrey was ignoring the ghost of the little boy playing in the corner. Sammy thought he had been ignoring him.

"That makes me feel special." If ghosts could actually float, it would explain the feeling Sammy was feeling in that moment. Still, he couldn't help but notice a few things. "That's also very specific and kind of necromantic – which is weird because you're not a necromancer."

"How can you tell?" Aubrey asked curiously and Sammy pointed to his own neck.

"They usually have a mark here, and they- hmm." The thoughtful look that appeared on Sammy's face was caused by him being suddenly aware of an interesting detail he almost missed. "Necromancers can only do rituals for things relating to the dead. You casted a spell."

Before anything could be said, and before Aubrey could nod his head to confirm his words, Sammy quickly interrupted him, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

"No, no. Don't tell me. I can't keep secrets."

Sighing, Aubrey looked down angrily at his hands because he couldn't do anything about that. "What can I tell you then?"

"Nothing." Sammy mumbled feeling like he was already losing his friend. Aubrey didn't mean for it to come off that way, but that's what it seemed like. He was actually more sad about it than anything because even with his unique spells, he couldn't help Sammy who was hesitating to speak. "Can you- Is it okay if you just listen to what I say?"

To his surprise, Aubrey laughed, nodding his head. "I wouldn't mind that, but it does feel one-sided. What's on your mind?"

So. Many. Things.

There were so many things that Sammy wanted to say, to scream, but while he couldn't do that, he decided to start with things he could. Give his friend warnings he might need or want to hear. Sammy found that he cared about what happened to Aubrey.

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