Chapter 2 - The Playground

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- Zayas pov

Mateo and I sit on the swings, laughing as our childhood is brought back. I give him a weird look as he stands up.

"Relax im just going to push you Zay" He laughs and gently starts pushing me.

"I just realized I never asked how your summer was, how was your summer Valdez?" I ask while he slowly pushes me higher but slows down so I can hear him speak.

He sits next to me again on the swing and spins slowly in a circle so the chains wrap up.

The pitter patter of the rain filling in the silence between us.

"I was working a lot of the summer. Vicente and I got a job at the local pool." He smiles a little at the thought.

"Did you actually save anyone or did you just mess around, Vicente isnt exactly the best of influences you know." Vicente and Mateo have been friends since elementary school.

Vicente was a really good looking guy and he always flirts with me like im the girl of his dreams. Mateo and Vicente were known around our town as "trouble makers" or "hoodlums" it was funny seeing the local church get pissed over them toilet papering the trees on halloween. They were never caught but the church knew who it was.

"Yeah whatever Zay, Atleast he was here this summer." He sighs then rolls his eyes dramatically at me. Mateo always thought I was in love with Vicente but actually I wasent a fan of him ever since he would act like we were dating in seventh grade. God did he piss me off.

"Thats not fair at all Mateo, You know I had to go to my dads this summer." I huff and look at the childrens park in front of me. I could sense his guiltyness since he didnt say anything.

"Its whatever Mateo, just tell me about your summer already jeez." I mumble while looking at the forest we played in as children. He didnt need to be such a dick. Whats gotten into him lately.

"Ok im sorry Zay, I actually missed you the whole summer." He says with a sorry look on his face before continuing on. I smile at him to let him know I wasent that upset.

"I did actually save a few lives, There was this one girl who was gorgeous and she even asked for my number afterwords. I gave it to her but never texted because I was too nervous, I believe her name was Ivy. I also helped my mom out with her bakery and did some repairs. I hit the gym with Marcello and Vicente which was pretty cool since I have muscles now." He says while flexing and smiling at me. His smile was the prettiest one ive ever seen.

Marcello and Vicente were brothers. Marcello was in college and hung out with us often. he was nicer than Vicente thats for sure. Marcello would always help me with anything. When Mateo was sick, Marcello would help me make soup and tea.

I liked Marcello far more than Vicente. Marcello was a gentlemen and would help Malia, Mateos mom with work and keeping it afloat. Malias Bakery was the best place to go for a muffin. Malia always kept her chocolate muffins in stock because I always bought one when it was possible.

"You didnt even text her? Damn thats messed up Valdez, even for you. Im glad you helped Malia out. Marcello in the gym? thats something I would want to see. Got any pictures?" I ask while winking at him. Mateos face screwed up into a frown, What did I say to upset him?

"Yeah I didnt have the balls to text her I guess." He turns away. By this time were both soaked. Mateos wife beater is now a dark grey and I can see his muscles clearly. His abs were bulging and his pecs were bigger than Vicentes, Vicente is known for having muscles and abs. His abs arent that good, Ive seen them before trust me.

"Huh, weird." I say with a frown. Did I upset Mateo? I hope hes not that upset much.

We sit in silence for a while. Im just happy to be back and with him and my mom. I also sorta missed Vicentes annoying voice.

"Wanna head back? Im kinda cold" I mumble standing up. He follows my actions and looks me up and down.

"You do look cold, I guess we could head back." He grabs my shivering hand and we skip back, laughing to ourselves.

"Hold on Valdez, My shoe is slipping off." I stumble as I accidently trip on a crack in a sidewalk. Before I know it, Mateo grabs me by me waist and hugs me close. I back my head up and look into his brown eyes. He has the prettiest eyelashes. His dimples pull into a smile that has my heart warming. We step back and he blushes and looks at the ground.

"Im sorry, lets just get back im cold." I say while smiling at him. He nods his head and we walk back in comfortable silence.

I just had the best spagetti in my life.

I actually hate this chap

Nothing beats alfredo tho

Word count: 888

- Ella :)

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