Chapter 25 - November

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Basketball boys>

I've legit never been in basketball so don't hate me if I get something wrong or schedule wise lmao. I legit only know some basketball terms bc of my brothers games :)

-Mateos Pov

My coach has been on my ass about practice. He's been asking me if I've stuck to the diet and workout routine he gave me. Working out five time a week and eating healthy with protein.

Basketball is a big thing for me so of course I stuck to the diet. It might have cost me precious time with Zaya but she gets to go to my games so I'm happy.

Basketball season starts in a week and I haven't looked forward to something more. I start practice next Monday with Oliver and the other boys. Vicente's decided he's not doing it and I couldn't be more grateful.

Ever since he and Zaya 'kissed' me and her have been closer and he's left us alone thankfully.

He got the message after I pushed him to the ground in the parking lot. No regrets at all.

Zaya told me she would come to every home game and attempt to make every away game. My brain can't get over the fact that she's mine. Zayas finally my girlfriend.

I totally don't deserve her after I let my insecurity's take over and get mad at her. Sometimes my anxiety gets to me and I know that's not an excuse but it happened.

"Fuck off Navi." Minas harsh words come from next to me in the hall.

We're all walking to first period together. Zayas by my side with a grin. The twins talked with her after I convinced them and they all made up. I'm glad because I couldn't deal with the one sided bickering.

"I hate you Nemina." Navi spits at her twin.

"Damn." I mutter under my breath and slide my hand to Zayas waist.





"Okay guys shut up." Zaya tells them with an annoyed face.

I stifle a laugh as we all walk into the gym.

The twins were arguing about who's wearing who's clothes. This actually happens frequently.

"Don't even start with me Z." Nemina rolls her eyes.

I send her a harsh glare and she shuts up.

"Know your place." I tell her under my breath after I part ways with the girls to change.

"Fine." She rolls her eyes at me then joins the girls in the locker room.

Walking to my own locker room, I accidentally bump into Drew from the football team.

"Hey sorry man." I call out.

"It's fine." He rushes back then runs out the door as if his ass is on fire.

Something tells me it has to do with new girl. The locker room is filled with boys finishing up early football practice and some changing for gym.

Some greet me, others pat me on the back as I make my way to my locker. The need to change quickly and not see my teammates dicks appeals to me.

After I finish, Vicente is sitting on the bench with his phone in hand. I walk past him without a care in the world. If it was two weeks back I would have punched him in the face. I'm a changed man now I swear.

Zaya and the twins are talking on the other side of the gym with the new girl. I think Zaya told me her name once but I forgot it. She's Drew's girl never the less.

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