The Rescue

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Caden pov

I start to turn away but wink at the little guy, because damn he's a cute kid. I walk back over to Jack's porch and sit back down.

"Looks like she put in your number, do you think she will text you?"

"Dunno, but I hope she does." I see her stand back up and I raise my beer.

Damn I hope she texts me because she's gorgeous and doesn't deserve this. I talk for about thirty more minutes when I see her asshole boyfriend show up. I take my leave from Jack's telling the boys to hang around for about an hour to see if she texts. So we park at the end of the block and wait.

"Boss, do you think she will call?"

"Dunno Tank, but we will see. I can't imagine she loves the situation."

While we sit in silence my phone rings, and I see Jack's name show up.

"Shit man, he's screaming at her, and can hear him beating on her." As he is talking I hear him stop and go quiet.

"Jack man what's going on?"

"Dunno man but I hear the kid screaming."

"He better not touch that kid or he won't survive the evening."

While I'm talking to him I feel a buzz from the phone and pull it away to look at the screen. I see what I have been waiting to see. 911

"Jack I'm on my way, she texted."

I quickly hang up and get a smile across my face.

"Let's go boys, it's showtime! Her angel is on his way!"

We go flying over to the house and park in the front yard because I don't give a fuck. I jump out running up to the door, and start banging on the front door.

"Who the fuck are you?" As I cock my gun and point it at his head.

"Your worst fucking nightmare!

This piece of shit slowly backs up with his hands in the air. I tell my boys to tie his ass up to a chair. They grab him as I go running up the stairs, and see my goddess laying on the floor. Fuck did he do a number on her. I slowly sit her up and she's looking at me with tears falling...

"My baby, he took my baby."

"Where baby, where did he take him?"

"Downstairs somewhere..."

I quickly put my gun in my holster, picking her up and carrying her downstairs. I set her on the couch kissing her forehead when she looked up at me confused.

"You're ok now, just relax."

I walk over to Scott who's tied up getting my gun back out pointing it at his head.

"Where's the kid?"

He just stares, but doesn't give me an answer. So I push my gun against his head making sure he understands who is in charge.

"Where is the fucking kid!" I see my baby flinch on the couch as I yell...

"The closet"

I look behind me and there's a door that leads to somewhere under the stairs. I walk over and throw open the door.

"Hey little guy are you in here? It's Angel."

I hear crying when a scared little kid comes crawling out slowly. I fall to my knees and hold my arms outstretched when he crawls up into my lap. I stand up holding him and take him over to his mom. I tell Tank to go turn the car around and back up to the porch, we are going to take care of this trash. Frankie takes him off the chair and reties him up as Tank comes back in to take him to the trunk of the suv.

The Secret Angel SeriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon