Lost and Found

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As I'm laying here it's about seven in the morning, and I start to feel movement. I slowly open one eye to see Nate staring straight at me.

"Morning buddy, wanna go make some breakfast?"

His eyes light up and I slowly get off the bed throwing on some pants. I turn around when he stands up and jumps up towards me. I catch him mid air and tell him to keep quiet so we don't wake up his mom. We slowly sneak out the bedroom door, and head downstairs to the kitchen. When we entered the kitchen I set him on the counter and turned to look at him.

"Ok what sounds good?"


"You got it, but you gotta help!"

I get all the ingredients together and he starts mixing when I start pouring and flipping. We get them all made and I start getting his plate together when I run to the fridge getting out some strawberries and whip cream. I shoot some whip cream in my mouth then point to Nate. He throws his head back and opens his mouth wide. I fill his mouth with whip cream when we hear a giggle from the door. We both look over and see Eva standing there smiling leaning against the door jam. She slowly walks in and stands next to me kissing Nate on the head as I wrap my arm around her kissing her head.

"I hope you're hungry, gotta have a lot of energy for today!"

I picked Nate up and set him down. We take all the food and plates to the table to sit. When we all start to sit, the moment I sit down and Nate climbs in my lap scooting his plate in front of him. Eva looks at me and I just shake my head to not worry about it. I help cut his food and can see Eva staring at me from the corner of my eye. I wink at her and see her start to blush. She looks down at her food, and starts to eat when I start to sneak in my food. I make sure me and Nate keep hitting the whip cream which gets squeals from him, and looks from Eva.

While we are enjoying our food, my boys all file in dressed sharp. They sit down when they grab some food and start eating.

"Frankie, I need you to get info on the trash downstairs. Eva what is your last name?"

"Wright, but I was adopted as a baby. My adoptive parents said it was to keep me safe. I only learned what my birth name was a couple years ago after my adoptive parents died."

"What last name was that?"


We all simultaneously choke on our food, and slowly turn to her."

"Are you fucking shitting me?"

"Hey there's a kid here, watch the language!"

"Sorry boss, it's just... I... " He quickly gets up and walks away.

"What's wrong with Frankie?"

"Eva, do you have any paperwork that shows that name?"

"Yeah I have a copy of my original birth certificate. It's in my purse, I'll go get it."

As Eva leaves Frankie comes walking back over....

"Boss, what if she's... you know..."

"I know Frankie, I know. I have known you forever and I know about your little sister. Ok but we don't know yet so let's wait and see."

Eva comes running back down with the paper and hands it to me. As I quickly scan it my color drains from my face as I look at Frankie.

"Frankie my man, her mother is Gracie Romano, and her father is Fernando Romano, and they did keep her first name."

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