Missing You.

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This oneshot is an idea given by: Mirin_Rin

Full credits goes to her for this oneshot <3

BoBoiBoy, the Earth and Galaxy's mightiest hero kidnapped by a strong alien, six months ago.

It is said that his friends and family has been searching for him all these times yet they failed. Not even a single clue can be found on the elemental superhero's whereabouts.

Let's go back in time on how he got kidnapped.


Here we are back in TAPOPS Station, Bbb and Fang is training while the other three were in the cafeteria when they heard a explosion.

They all stop what they were doing and rushed to the source of the explosion, when they arrived. All the mop mop aliens, including Admiral Tarung and Commander Koko Ci are defeated already.

Kokotiam Gang then prepare for a battle, not knowing who the enemy is. All five of them were shot by a strong beam, making their eyes blind and not being able to see anything.

"Haha! This is the Protector of the Galaxy? The one who defeated Retak'ka and Vargoba? How weak and pathetic you are." The mysterious voice said as the figure shot another beam at them.

The team weren't able to see who it is, due to the figure wearing a black cloak covering most of the body.

"Ergh.. Everyone fight back!" Bbb said as he slowly stood up, holding onto his shoulder.

The other four slowly stood up too, as they winced in pain. This just makes the mysterious figure laugh so hard.

"You think you can defeat me!?" The mysterious figure said as he teleported and attacked behind them.

"Kuasa Elemental! Bbb Gempa!" "Tanah Pelindung!" Bbb transformed and defended them yet failed, due to the strong attack.

"W-who are you and why are you attacking TAPOPS!?" Bbb yelled as he transformed back to normal, bruises were seen all over his body.

"I'm Captain Alastor, Bbb and I attacked TAPOPS to find YOU!" Alastor said as he grabbed the Bbb.

Bbb tried to break free from Alastor but failed miserably. Alastor who saw this just chuckled, he then makes smoke around them.

"BBB!!" The team yelled as Fang tried to use his shadow hands to attack Alastor but failed.

The smoke wore down and there was no sign of Bbb or Alastor anywhere, just Bbb's cap. The team quickly helped the agents and the higher-ups as Captain Kaizo arrives and helps them.

"I'm sorry if I came late. There was a barrier preventing me to go in." Captain Kaizo said as guilt consumed him, blaming himself for not arriving earlier to prevent Alastor to take Bbb away.

"It's okay, Captain. We'll find him, right guys?" Yaya said as she turns to the team receiving nods but yet they were worried for their friend.

They continued to search and search yet they failed, everything changed about them. Gopal wasn't as whiny as usual, he's mostly quiet. Fang was mostly cold now, trying his best to find his rival or friend's location. Ying and Yaya
also helped Fang trying to find Bbb's coordinates or any clue, yet they didn't find a single thing.

BoBoiBoy OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin