FIFTEEN: Storm Of Insecurities.

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The racetrack buzzed with activity once more as people gathered to catch a glimpse of Fareed. Paparazzi swarmed around us, eager to interview him about the race. I stood by his side, listening as he shared his thoughts, expressing pride in the young racers and his enjoyment of the event.

I was taken aback when the cameras suddenly shifted towards me, bombarding me with questions. Initially, Fareed wanted to intervene, but I signaled that I could handle it. After all, it wasn't my first time being interviewed.

"Meenah, how do you feel after watching this performance displayed by the upcoming racers?" They inquired, their microphone and camera directed at me.

"Well, first and foremost, I'd like to express my gratitude to Almighty Allah for granting us the opportunity to witness today's event. As for the race, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The racers showed great dedication on the tracks, and I have no doubt they will achieve even greater feats as they progress in their careers," I replied with a sincere smile before they proceeded with their questions.

"Alright. Another question: Given that Rjay here is the King of the tracks, can the public now consider you the Queen of the tracks?"

My eyes widened like saucers, and a gasp escaped my lips. A quick glance darted up at Fareed. We all, even the ones who asked the question, chuckled lightly. Shaking my head in amusement, I playfully replied, 'No, no, no, please.'"

Fareed smoothly steered the interview back to him. Next, the girls and I wandered towards the stalls and then suddenly we overheard a group of girls speaking in hush conversations about Fareed and I, but they were still loud enough.

"Wait, so they're back together again? Wow!"

"Of course. Didn't you see all those pictures online? They're back on."

"Wahala o! Even after everything she did?"

"WTH! The audacity! I should go give them a piece of my mind," Azrah hissed, already turning towards the gossiping group. My hand shot out, gripping her arm before she could ignite a scene.

"Don't mind them, Azrah, just let it go," I reassured her, although I couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt. It's frustrating that people don't understand that we all make mistakes; what matters is acknowledging them and striving to change.

"Why do people do this? They have no respect whatsoever," Maimoon vented, and we nodded in agreement, choosing to ignore the gossipers. They crave attention, and everyone has the right to say whatever they want.

Just then, Fareed appeared by my side. "Babe," he said gently, "we should probably get going. I have things to take care of."

I nodded, ready to follow his lead. But Azrah, ever the firebrand, wasn't ready to let it go.

"Rjay," she began, and I shot her a pleading look, but Azrah, as usual, ignored it.

Taking a deep breath, she turned towards the gossiping group. "Those ladies," she began, her voice firm, "were saying some pretty nasty things about Meenah..."

"Azrah!" I scolded, a touch of frustration flickering in my voice.

"What?" she countered "They were talking trash!"

I rolled my eyes, more at myself than her. A glance at Fareed revealed a furrowed brow. His gaze flicked between us and the gossiping group, who, by now, were blatantly staring and whispering amongst themselves.

Taking a deep breath, I reached out to Fareed "Saahib, don't mind Azrah," I murmured.

Fareed squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Let's handle this," he said, his voice firm, as we strode towards them.

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