~ Chapter 9 ~

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Early May, 1536; Eltham Palace, London

~ Elizabeth ~

" What about this one?" Lady Beatrice spoke, showing me another piece of high end fabric. I run the back of my hand slowly down the silk.

It was a dark red silk with a hint of gold laced in. I looked over all the option of silk on the table in front of me. Comparing each one with the others.

I have decided to take a little break from the bustle of English court, and start the renovation on my new estate.

It has been a week since the last encounter I had with Henry. He actually took my words to heart. He had dismissed mistress Seymour from court, sending her back to her families estate. He also was the one who suggested I take a break from court. He even joined me for the first few days, but had to go back for the arrival of the French envoy.

I know it wrong of me to love my own sisters husband, but I can't help feeling the way I do. I tired to avoid my emotions towards Henry, but it didn't seem to work. I don't know how long this fling of ours would last, but I would cherish it.

" Your Grace, a letter for you." A young servant boy spoke entering the room with a small bow. I held my hand out for the letter, which the young boy handed over.

" Lady Beatrice, lets go with a red theme for my personal quarters. Would you kindly order the red and gold color design for the window drapes, and let's go with the white silk sheets for my bed." I softly spoke while walking out of the room. She gave me a small "Your grace." with a bow as I left the room.

I walked to secluded part of the hallway. I took a long exhale of breath before tearing open the letter. The words contained in the letter had me at lost.

Dear Elizabeth,

I write to you not as your Queen, but as your sister. I have been arrested on the charges of adultery and witchcraft. I swear to you on the Virgin Mary, I didn't commit this charges against me. Papa and George have been arrested along with me. I fear over my life along with Elizabeth's, if I am found guilty. I write to you to hope in good faith if something is to happen to me, you will watch over Elizabeth. Protect her against the darkness that lurks in the darkest of places in this life.

Your dearest sister,

My heart shatters at the words on the letter. This must be why Henry suggested I departure from court. He must have for seen this, of course he did he is the King. I mentally roll my eyes at my own thought. Was this his way of proving his love for me? By charging my family with false accusations.

Something deep down doesn't want any of this to be true, but there is only one way to find out. Windsor castle was only a short horse ride away.

I didn't bother to gather my things or have carriage prepared for me. I needed to see Henry.

I quickly rushed to the stables. Not bothering to call a stable boy. I grabbed a saddle and flung it over the back of one of the horses. Tightening the stapes securing it onto the horses back. I grabbed a bridle, securing it on the horses head.

I held on to the saddle using all my strength to push myself up. I secured my feet in the stirrups, grabbing onto the reigns. I gently tapped the horses side with my feet. Bring him into a gallop.

I sped out of the stable and into the woods. It was the quickest route to the castle. The roads are usually busy during this time of day.

"Come on boy!" I yelled pushing the horse to a faster pace.

A million though danced in my head at the mess that has occurred. Will Henry actually harm my his own wife? No that can't be right. I mean maybe this is all a silly mistake, or is it?

I shakes off the thought as I continued my journey down the narrow paths in the woods. Though the thoughts came rushing back once more.

I mean did Anne really have an affair? I won't put it past her, she is in a desperate need for an heir. I would, if it came down to it in all honesty. Just hopefully I'm not to late to save her.


Hey Readers,

Sorry this chapter is very short, I wanted to post a chapter as soon as possible.

What do you think should happen to Anne? Should she be executed or should she be set free? ———->

Bye for now 👋

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