~ Chpater 14 ~

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~ Elizabeth ~

" What do you think?" Lady Margaret asked after finishing the final touches on my wedding dress. Helping me put on the large exquisite gown.

I examined the gown in the mirror. Observing every small and large detail of the dress. It was a dark blue gown laced with gold. The color dark blue indicates purity, which I thought we be a nice touch to the dress. The long dark blue train followed behind on the floor.

"It's perfect!" I clapped in excitement after my examination. Lady Margaret held a pleased look on her face. " I'm glad you like it, your Grace."

Before I could speak another word, a knock was placed on my door. My pager boy opened it and spoke quietly with the person on the outside. " your Grace, the king has sent over his best regards. He has also sent you a pair of crowns for you to choose from, for your coronation." The pager boy spoke walking in.

When I nodded in agreement, the boy opened the door allowing two more pager boys in. They both held a dark wooden box in their hands. An older looking man walked in behind them. He stood in between the two pager boys. Giving me a small bow with his neck.

"Your Grace, I am the crown jewelry expert for the royal family. His Majesty, has sent my over. He wanted you to try on a few crowns and pick which one you would like to wear, for your big day." He spoke gesturing for the two young boys to open the boxes.

I slowly walked over to one of them and was in awe with what was inside of it. It was a golden crown laced in different color jewels, along with a peal on top of every spike.

I walked over to the next one and was in awe, as well. It was golden like the other one, but it had more colorful jewels. It also was in a shade of an orange-ish gold, compared to the other one that was more      yellow-ish gold.

"That one belonged to Queen Margaret of Anjou, King Henry the sixth wife. Queen Elizabeth Woodville, King Edward the fourths wife. And lastly Queen Anne, King Richard the thirds wife." The other man spoke up pointing toward the crown I was eyeing. Then he turned his finger to the other crown. "That one belonged to his Majesty's mother."

"There both so beautiful and elegant, but I do fancy this one." I spoke pointing to the orange-ish gold crown. "For some reason. I feel more drawn to it."

" Well then, would you like to try it on. I need to see if I need to make adjustments, or not." The man spoke clapping his hands just once. I nodded in response before finding a chair to sit in.

The man gently pulled the crown out of the box. Walking carefully over to me. He aligned the crown before lowering it on top of my head. Not only was the crown a little heavy, but the symbolic weight made it feel even heavier.

My lady put a mirror in front of my so I could see. It almost brought me to tears as I seen it on top of my head. It finally hit me as it stood on my head, I'm going to be Queen. It never really hit me tell this moment, but it's happening. Never would of imagined, I would be marrying the King of England.

"Fits like a glove, your Grace." The man spoke before slowly taking it off my head. Placing it back into the box. "I will tell his Majesty you have made a choice." He gave me a small bow again. Shooing away the pager boys and himself.

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