This can't be happening

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Victoria POV

Victoria danced her way out of her room to the music that blasted through her headphones. She walked into the laundry room, where she set the basket of dirty clothes on the floor, and made her way over to the living room to begin her daily ritual of cleaning.

Rose left early this morning and hasn't yet returned. Having the house to myself made me happy and relaxed. I could walk around half-naked without the fear or running into her "guy friends." Or worse. Her bitchy friends could who could care less about her.

Truth hurts by Lizzo began to play, and immediately Victoria began to dance and sing wildly, losing herself in the music.

Taking hold of the remote control from the table, she pretended it was a microphone and leaped onto the couch, performing as if there were millions of people watching her, screaming her name on stage.


She halted at the sound of her name and pulled the headphones from her ears. Slowly, she turned, gazing at the wide-eyed individuals in the living room. Alongside Rose and a few of her girlfriends, four men were standing in the living room, and one of them happened to be William. Her face turned pale white.

He was starting her her exposed breasts, which seem yo have hardened under his sudden attention.

Victorias face flushed embarrassment and her body hit with shame as she reached up, trying to cover herself, but It was useless. They had already seen her

He had already seen her.

Victoria looked at Rosemary, her eyes silently begging for her to do something to save her.

She quickly sent everyone into the kitchen with the promise of drinks.

With her heart trashing against her chest, Victoria  quickly dashed upstairs into her room and slammed the door shut before leaning against it to catch her breath.

They saw her naked. They all saw her dancing with my tits out

She was ruined.

And William.

Oh, God.

Once, she felt like she could breathe again. She pushed herself off the door and went to her closet and slipped on a simple half-shirt and sweatpants.

She quickly fixed her self in the mirror trying to to make herself semi-presentable.

Victoria was felt nervous about going back downstairs to face everyone, especially William but fear nor embarrassment had ever stopped her from doing anything, and she refused to hide in her room like a coward.

When she finally managed to make it downstairs, everyone had returned to the living room, talking amongst each other.

Victoria spotted Rose on the couch with a man who resembled William.

His skin was pale and smooth and his jaw was chiseled and defined, giving him a strong and handsome appearance. His full lips were curved into a charming smile, and his slightly tousled hair gave him a laid-back and approachable vibe.

When Rose saw Victoria, she quickly jumped up and took her hand, leading her to the couch. "Victoria, this is Alexander." She introduced.

Alexander stood catching Victoria by surprise as he laid a feather-like kiss on both of her cheeks before pulling away.

"I've heard so much about you from Rose. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said with a wide smile.

He was definitely nothing like his brother.

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