3. Knock Out

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Warning: This chapter contains depictions of violence and abuse that may be sensitive to some readers. In no way do I glorify such actions; and if you're triggered by such scenes: skip the first part.


I gasped quietly and leaned forward to get a better view of what was going on, positioned to their left, perfectly obscured by a pillar.

The man choking Azuha was a behemoth, draped in a leather jacket adorned with menacing spikes. His overall appearance screamed trouble, like he'd just walked out of a maximum-security prison. He looked like the type of person that would make me roll up my car windows if I saw him at the side of the street.

He tugged and pulled at Azuha's hair and kept saying something that was being muffled by Azuha's sobs. She was pounding on his chest with her fists, but it was absolutely useless. I mean, the man was built like a brick wall, what should I expect?

He was grinning wickedly, like he was thoroughly relishing Azuha's cries of pain. He finally released her hair and throat, only to land a brutal punch to her gut.

Oh, hell no.

I don't know what got over me or how I got the courage, but I knew what I had to do. Being the reckless idiot that I was, without a second thought, I found myself taking heated strides towards them, hollering, "Let go of her, you absolute jackass!"

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have went up to them like I was asking for a wrestling match. But hey, that's me. I was the goddess of stupid decisions.

But my outburst did halt the man from punching Azuha's guts out. He swung his gaze toward me, raising a skeptical eyebrow, as if I'd just interrupted some important task. Well, I had, and I had no regrets. Even if I might get my guts punched out instead.

Azuha, however, looked at me like I'd just dropped from space or something. Her eyes went huge and she looked at me almost as if she didn't want me there.

And why on earth was that?

"And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do, lil bitch?" He taunted with a raspy voice, oozing an infuriating amount of arrogance that I wanted nothing more than to press his butt hole against a hot iron.

My eyes narrowed at his insolence, and each word I said dripped with sternness as I held my ground just three feet away. "I said, let her go, you deaf turd-eater."

I don't think he liked the nickname. I watched, a little bit more scared than I'd like to admit as his tattoed hands slowly dropped to his sides and freed Azuha. Taking a step back, he put his hands inside his pockets and took slow and menacing steps towards me, only leaving a few inches of distance between us.

I had to physically dig my toes into the concrete floor through my shoes to prevent my legs from resigning and walking away.

I finally got a good look at his face. And I couldn't help but notice the sharp likeness he had of the North Korean President if he ever had an emo phase. I wanted to point that out but I didn't think he'd like that, which made me want to say it more but the rational part of me preferred to have my intestines intact.

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