4. Sea Of Bozos

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My eyes slowly started to flutter close. The world around me revolved, but I couldn't move. I couldn't even let out a whimper of pain as my skull throbbed. It felt like my brain was being pulled out of its shell. My ears were muffled with a weird buzzing sound, and the walls around me felt like they were closing in.

I felt trapped. Defeated. I felt agitated and afraid. And I kept chanting 'I don't wanna die' like that was going to make me not die.

I've never had much to look forward in life, but it all changed when I met my friends. And in between the agonizing pain I felt with an unwavering anguish, I could only think of them. They were the only people whom I was sure would mourn for me. I thought about how they'd react, especially Azuha who would drown herself in guilt, paint herself responsible for my death.

But this was all my fault. If I hadn't been so stubborn and so full of myself, I wouldn't have thought of such an idiocy as taking on such a lunatic all by myself, when I. . . when I could've simply called for help. What was I thinking? I should be in the Hall Of Fame for being the biggest idiot the world was ever graced with.

The dusty concrete floor was blurry in my vision. The cold night breeze bit me, and the pain on my head was getting even more agonizing than ever. My own body felt ten times heavier. I couldn't even release a gurgle through my throat.

What in the heavens did that guy do to me?

The black spots in my vision began to become even more prominent, slowly taking over my eyes entirely. I held on so hard not to slip away.

With a final failed attempt, I finally gave up and allowed my consciousness to drown in the darkness, allowing the brain splitting pain to fade away. I was at peace again. Freed of the pain and fear, ready to accept my fate, prepared to go into a deep eternal slumber. It didn't sound so bad if the skull-opening pain was the only other option.

Atleast that's what I thought until I heard a distant voice. It didn't take me too long to understand that the sound was just an unreal echo in my subconscious mind.

I couldn't exactly decipher what it was, but I keenly tried to listen to the indistinct distant voice. It was the only thing that reassured me that I was still alive.

But when I understood whose voice it was, I think I'd much rather die instead. It was my Father's voice. Immaculate. That was the last voice I wanted to hear before I ascent the earth.

Well now, for some, hearing their father's voice when they're about to die must be heartwrenching. It was heartwrenching for me too, but in a different sense.

The moment I realised it was his demonic voice, it became much more clearer.

"Look at you, on the floor like a deadmeat." His gruff voice echoed reproachfully. "On the floor like a weakling. You disgrace me, you disgrace the family. You failed me, again. You're nothing without my name, my fame, and my power. You never will be, you filthy, worthless prat," He spat, disgruntled. There was nothing in his voice other than raw hatred.

His words, dripping with derisive pityness and rebuke, pierced through me, penetrating every last nerve in my body. In any other occasion, I would've felt like the world's biggest failure. But not now. I had to live, I remembered I had something to prove. I refuse to die such an embarassing death.

With a newly found determination within me, I coerced myself with utmost arduousness to stir awake. But then my eyes immediately scrunched up as the throbbing pain on my skull returned with the same anguish. Okay, maybe listening to daddy dearest's voice wasn't so bad.

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