Parents Weekend

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Enids POV:
1 week later Saturday:

I'm going to hate next weekend. Starting next Friday it's parent's weekend I don't expect my parents to show up but since I don't expect them to they will show up. So I guess I'm expecting the unexpected so I have that going for me.

My parents don't know Wednesday and I are dating not anyone in this school except our close friends Ajax, and Xavier but other than that no one knows.

It's not like we are secret but we're not going to walk around telling every soul we know that I and Willa are dating.

Thursday the day before parents' week:
Wednesdays POV:

"Enid, do you know if your parents are coming over this weekend?" I said walking over to her while she is sitting in her bed.

"Enid?" I said again because she was zoning out.

"Sinclair!" I said a little louder to get her art towards me.

"Huh? Sorry" Enid said looking up at me.

"It's okay," I said sitting next to Enid.

"So what did you want to ask me?" Enid said with a confused but angry face.

"Are your parents coming over this week?" I said asking her again.

"I'm not for sure yet but they ninety-nine percent sure they will."

"Good odds," I said sarcastically.

"Yup very good odds," Enid said sounding very out of it.

Enid pauses before talking again"If my parents do come here can we keep our relationship secret?"

"Of course" I responded to Enid.

I feel bad for Enid her parents are extremely homophobic and abusive mentally and physically I don't even think Enid's parents think she's a homosexual.

Friday parents week:

No one's Pov

Enid and Wednesday are waiting in front of Never-more they make eye contact and both take a deep breath.

The Addams family car pulls into the side of Never-more so lurch can drive it to a pathway.

"My little storm cloud!" Gomez exclaims walking towards Wednesday to hug her.

"Hello, my little rainbow!" Gomez says again moving from Wednesday to Enid.

"Hi Gomez!" enid said while wrapping her arms around Gomez.

"Hello, mother," Wednesday said looking up at Morticia.

"Hello, Wednesday. How have you and Enid been?" Morticia said asking Wednesday a question.

"It's been great," Wednesday said uncomfortably because she hates talking to her mother about this.

"We are both very sorry we couldn't have seen you guys last week about the incident!" Gomez said putting his hands together.

"That's okay father," Wednesday said walking closer to Enid.

"Yeah! It's totes fine Gomez!" Enid exclaimed.

Pugsley walks over to Wednesday and Enid and waves.

"Hey, Enid! Hi sis!"

"Hi, Pugsley" Enid and Wednesday both said.

"Shall we?" Gomez said grabbing Morticia's hand.

"We shall," Morticia said in a flirty voice.

Pugsley pointed to his mouth signing and throwing up.

"You'll be in love someday Pugsley," Morticia said turning around.

"No, I won't!" Pugsley said embarrassed.

"If Wednesday can find love then you can too!" Gomez said smiling.

"Wait what? YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!?" Pugsley shouted.

"No, I do not," Wednesday said looking at him with a disgusted look.

"I have a girlfriend though." Wednesday continued to speak.

"Who?!" Pugsley called out.

"Hi!" Enid said to Pugsley happily.

"I knew you were zesty bro," Pugsley said rolling his eyes.

"I'm not "zesty" or whatever that means Pugsley," Wednesday said crossing her arms.

Enid faced Wednesday and had a huge smile on her face while facing her.

"Wednesday that's slang for gay" Enid whispered.

"Oh well, that's stupid," Wednesday said turning around while enid fell behind.

Right before they were about to go in Nevermore an annoying screechy voice came up.

"Hello daughter."' Mrs. Sinclair sang.

Enids POV:

Oh god of course my mother is here I knew she would come I don't know what she even wants to do with me anymore she left me and said she doesn't want to see me again like make up your mind you old bitch.

"Heyyyyy mom," I said In a fake voice.

Wednesday walked beside me and placed her hand on my back so my mom couldn't see.

"And of course the Addams's little girl." My mother said giving her a nasty smile.

"Do not refer to me as a little girl again" Wednesday said trying to not lose her shit.

I could hear that Wednesday was pissed off she never liked my mother or father and since she just said little girl she is probably more pissed.

"Or what?" My mom said in a nasty voice.

Wednesday turned around and pushed me in front of her so she could stand behind me as we walked.

We walked into the cafeteria while my parents were following me and Wednesday.

We sat down with my parents and Wednesdays it was like a Texas showdown they were staring at each other with so much hate is was low-key funny.

Wednesday sat beside me while I sat across from my mom my hands were under the table I wasn't hungry because my mother would always make fun of me when I did so I just decided not to eat in front of her anymore.

Wednesday placed her hand on mine and gave me a nod to make sure it was okay I nodded back of course because I am so in love with this woman.

"So Enid. How have you and Ajax been lately?" My mother said out of nowhere.

She never asks about my love life or interests at all I was really confused.

"Oh!?. Umm, he broke up with me!" I said trying not to get an attitude.

"Of course he did."  My mother said rolling her eyes.

"What is that supposed to mean Mrs. Sinclair?" Wednesday said in a rude tone.

"Well I mean she isn't everyone's first choice she probably isn't even anyone's last you know what I mean." My mother said while laughing smugly.

I just sat there in silence I can't believe she just said that what the actual fuck has gotten into her I mean she has always been a big-time bitch hit this was extremely low even for her.

I got up and power walked to my room trying not to cry.

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