Try again and again

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Oakley's POV: (finally someone who isn't Wednesday😭)


When I was seven I woke up like any other day and went to my moms' room to wake her up for the day to go to school.

I opened the door and she wasn't in there I walked into both the bathrooms and she wasn't in either of them.

The second place I checked was the living room as I was walking closer and closer to the living room I saw a pool of blood moving closer to the carpet in the living room.

I walked to the kitchen confused as to what it was and I saw my mother lying on the floor leaning up against the island with her wrist slit and blood all over.

As the seven-year-old I was I didn't know what to do. She had life-less eyes and purple lips and a note taped to the fridge.

I ran over to my mom and shook her to see if she would wake up I got blood all over my clothes and body.

When she didn't wake up I ran to the phone and dialed 9-1-1.

As the operator picked up the phone I began to burst into tears I was so shakey I could barely talk or do anything.

"My mom isn't waking up and has blood all over her wrist," I said frozen.

The operator began to try to calm me down and said "The police are on their way" and began to ask me questions about me.

The police and the paramedics opened the door as all the police and paramedics rushed over to my mom I was left standing there. Confused and scared.

It felt like I had stone bricks attached to my feet I couldn't move or speak I could hardly breathe.

I remember them carrying her into a body bag and then bringing me out of the house.

After that, I don't remember anything of that matter all I could remember was that I was scared.

After my mom died my father became a huge alcoholic and addict even though I have already been through so much he decided to put me through more.

When I was younger I always thought it wasn't his fault and I would always take his side on things but I started to realize that he could control if he wanted to make my life more harmful.

So I found out that Nevermore had opened spots and I applied and I left without letting my father know or leaving a note to my mother left me.

I stole my dad's money he had for beer or drugs and walked out I slept in hotels until I got to Nevermore.

That's when I met Wednesday and got my dorm so far everything has been great I really think I deserve it.

Wednesdays POV:

It has been 5 days since I last got the book and I'm 8,469 pages into the book Oakley has been helping me out.

   Yoko said that she and I are similar in that we dress the same and act somewhat the same but she has more emotion than I do.

And Divina said that she and I are "friends" but I do not do friends we are acquaintances at best.

   While I was sitting down on the floor with my headphones on near the wall reading and eating lunch Oakley sat next to me and put her phone down.

"Where is your lunch?" I said confused.

   "Oh, I couldn't afford one it's fine I usually skip lunch anyways," Oakley said with a smirk.

I put my food on the floor and passed it to her "You can have mine I have extras in my dorm."

   I felt bad for her I've never felt sympathy for anyone before besides Enid of course.

"Thank you," Oakley said with tears at the bottom of her eyes.

    "Why are you crying do you not want it?" I said confused.

"No," Oakley said wiping her tears away "It's just like the nicest thing anyone's done for me," Oakley said with a scratchy voice.

    "Oh well you're welcome,"  I said going back to my book.

"How are you in Nevermore?" I asked.

    "Like if I'm special or not?" Oakley asked back.

"Yes," I replied.

   "Well, I can read people's minds I just have to be able to touch them," Oakley replied while taking a bite of the sandwich.

"That's bull shit," I said.

   "I'm being so serious," Oakley said shocked.

Think of anything and all I have to do is touch your hand or arm.

   "Go ahead," I said putting my arm out.

Oakley put her finger on my arm and closed her eyes.

   I thought of something no one would think I would think about.

"K-pop? Specifically, the Butter song by BTS" Oakley said confused.

   I retracted my arm from her because she was correct Enid listened to that song non-stop.

"Well played," I said going back to my book.

   "And if we are talking about why I wanted to go here it's personal," Oakley said going on her phone.

"That's okay," I said going back to my book.

When the bell rang we both walked to our class most of my classes have Oakley.

I walked to my desk where I usually sit and Enid usually sits next to me Oakley respects my wishes to not sit in Enid's chair so she sits at the table beside me.

After class Oakley and I walk to my dorm and finish the book.

20 minutes later:

"I found the page!" I shouted with joy.

"You did that's great!" Oakley said walking over to me.

I wandered my eyes across the page until I reached the bottom of it and how it told us to redo the curse.

Για να αναιρέσετε αυτό που κάνατε, θα χρειαστεί να πάρετε τον νεκρό και τον άνθρωπο της ψυχής και να επαναλάβετε τις λέξεις: Αλλάξτε τις ψυχές και αντικαταστήστε το σώμα με τον αρχικό του ξενιστή με το άτομο που το θέλει περισσότερο.

(To undo what you have done, you will need to take the dead man and the soul man and repeat the words: Switch souls and replace the body with its original host with the person who wants it most.)

(sorry for all the angst and also I changed the name of the book because wenclair was to basic)

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