Chapter 11 - Late Night Talks

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--- Mara's POV ---

The ship rose and tank deeply through the night, rolling over the waves in an inconsistent patten. She tossed and turned on her pillow, before finally falling asleep. Only to be justled awake yet again. She sighed. Lighting the candle on the bedside table. Grettle was sleeping peacefully at the end of the bed. The room was pitch black other than the small flame beside me.

She swung her legs out of the blankets and put on her light green colored nightgown cover. She took the candle into her hand and held the flame with her other, keeping the draft from blowing the fire out. Her bare feet walking silently on the wood floor. The rest of the ship creaking and settling with the constantly movement of the sea.

She opened her door and noticed a small light coming from beneath Nikolai's door. He probably fell asleep with the candle going. She paused, asking herself if she should knock. She decided against it and continued down the hallway and up the stairs until she reached the deck. Mara walked to the side of the deck and placed her candle on the railing. The moon shown brilliantly over the horizon, illuminating the night and glistening over the water.

She gazed over the ocean, watching the waves roll ahead of them.

She leaned on the railing and lost herself in thought. She was starting to feel far from home for the first time. Everything was so new. She took a deep breath and let the sight of the waves and gentle chill breeze blow in her face. She closed her eyes and leaned her head on her arm, letting the wind caress her senses and sooth my worried thoughts.

---Nikolai's POV---

Nikolai's head bent over his desk, a pencil in his hand. An old map with a million eraser marks lay open in front of him. He was trying to make a route for them to take in the morning that would avoid any trouble. He had many friends, but he definitely had his fair share of enemies. He tossed the pencil on the table and put his hands behind his head, stretching his back.

He thought of Mara in the room beside his. Sleeping soundly.

He had led and taught dozens of boys and guided them into knowing how to be men. He was their superior and he knew how to lead.  So then why was the mere sight of her enough to make him stop in his tracks.

His heart pounded just at the thought of her standing beside me. Had it been a good idea to bring her on The Hummingbird, she seemed so against it in the beginning. Who was he to just take her, but that's exactly what he did. He took her like those bandits took her hard work for those oranges. He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. Closing his eyes and letting the roll of the wave's sooth his worried thoughts.

He opened his eyes and was about to stand up to blow out the candles. Finally letting himself try and get some sleep when he saw a light under his door. It moved from one side to the next, then disappeared. His brow furrowed.

He moved around the desk and took a candle in his hand. Opening his bedroom door and looking into the hallway. It was empty. He held the candle up higher and noticed that Mara's door was wide open. He stepped into her room and looked over her bed with the candle.

"Mara?" He whispered. Expecting to see her small figure on the mattress, her hair flowing over the pillow. But it was empty, well, except for the chicken. Which made him jump when he realized she was there. Not his favorite idea of hers, bringing that thing.

He turned and walked down the hall swiftly, climbing the stairs, the cool air hitting his bare chest as he arrived outside. A small warm light immediately caught his attention to the right. Mara was leaning on the railing of the deck, her candle sitting beside her.

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