Chapter 15 - Kissed

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---Nikolai's POV---

He lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Nikolai's fingers tapping against his chest in the soft rhythm of one of the songs played at the festival. Memories of Mara's honey like hair shining under the evening sun, her lips covered in sugar from all the sweets he had insisted she try. Her sparkling eyes and the way she threw her head back a little when she laughed.

Images of her sped through his mind, as if playing their own highlight reel of the best days of his life. But they only held memories of today.

If traveling with Mara was going to be like this, he could envision himself living the life he had always wanted to live. But never thought Ihe would reach. Sailing the sea, going place to place, trading and completing jobs, with just one girl in his bed. The only girl that mattered.

The idea of her skin becoming a familiarity to him, her embrace becoming his safe haven. He could feel the softness of her skin under his fingertips just by thinking of her, he bit his bottom lip, and closed his eyes. If she were a bottle of whiskey, she would make entire nations drunkards.

Nikolai's eyes flew open as he heard the creaking of her mattress as she rolled over in the next room. He sprang out of bed but stopped as his feet hit the floorboards. He shouldn't he thought.

Shaking his head, his face fell into his hands. Saints. Finally, after a moment, he stood, and reached for his clothes that sat on the chair. Nikolai threw them on, his shirt remaining untucked from his pants. His lucky compass sat on the chair silently, winking up at him in the moonlight. He grabbed it and put it around his neck. It had gotten him this far, might as well continue to put his hopes in it.

He opened his door and stood in front of hers. Softly knocking his knuckle against the wood. Leaning his shoulder against the door frame as he waited.

After a moment, he heard a noise from inside, and the door creaked open. And there she stood, candle in hand, her hair a little messy, and eyes a little sleepy. He gave her a soft smile.

"Nikolai?" She whispered, puzzled to see Nikolai standing there. "Is something wrong?" She added, pulling her robe closer to herself. His eyes were soft, his heart beating out of his chest, but he remained still. Completely calm.

"I'm sorry to have woken you, yet again." He chuckled. "I'm making a bad habit of this aren't I?"

She gave him a small smile. "Maybe, but I'm embarrassed to say that I don't really mind." She said quickly. He beamed at her.

"Would you take a walk with me?" Nikolai asked.

"Sure." She answered sweetly. Asking with her eyes if he could take her candle, and he did so silently. As she reached for her shoes.

"You won't need those." He spoke. "Not where we're going."

She looked back at him and nodded. Crossing her arms over her chest and walking down the hallway beside Nikolai. They made their way up the ladder, across the deck, and onto the dock.

Not speaking a word. He set the candle down and turned to her. Slowly taking her hand in his and guiding them toward the beach. Their bare feet soundless on the sand. They walked together along the shore, the warm breeze blowing gently.

After a while, He slowed them down, and sat on the sand. Leaning back on his elbow and crossing his legs out in front of him. The ship was far away, and he could barely see the flicker of the little candle frame on the dock.

Mara swayed her arms around her as she walked a little closer to the water. The moon outlining her perfect form, silhouetting her in light. After standing in the waves for a moment, she made her way back to him and sat down. He gazed over at her and smiled widely as she lay back, her hands above her head. Her enjoyment of the sand under her skin was clear on her face.

She looked over at him, and his breath quickened. Without a second thought he reached over and took her face into his hand. He could feel the lack of control enter his body as he moved until he hovered over her, pressing her into the ground. She didn't move, just looked deeply into his eyes.

He leaned in, and pressed his lips to her lips. There was a burning in his heart, and she had been fanning the flame all day. And he frankly couldn't hold it in any longer. Her hands went to Nikolai's hair, and then slipped under the collar of his shirt to let them rest on his neck.

His hand trailed from her face down her neck, and over her shoulder, before wrapping his arm around her waist. Holding her tightly against him. He kissed her wholeheartedly, every inch of his body being a rush of tingles. Her breath blew hot on Nikolai's lips, he was falling apart over her. Her arms wrapped around his back, and embraced every kiss he gave her. Everywhere he touched seemed to me charged with electricity. The waves crashed in the distance, but all he could hear was their breath. Wild against each other's.

He began to kiss over her cheek and down her neck. Small gasps escaping her lips, causing his fingers to clutch tightly onto the fabric of her nightgown. He could feel her warmth under the thin piece of clothing, and he couldn't get enough. He was catching fire.

It took everything in him not to tear it open in an attempt to get even closer to her. Saints he needed her. He needed her touch. He needed her heart.

Nikolai's heart erupted as he realized it, he needed her to love him. He was falling for her, and he don't know what he would do if it wasn't returned. But he took her participation as a good sign.

He captured her lips between his own and poured out his emotions onto her mouth. He was so hungry for her, and it wasn't just now. It was all of the time.

"Nikolai-" She gasped, as he took one of her hands and interlaced their fingers above her head. Pressing his chest to hers, so close that he could feel that her heartbeat was as quick as his when he dipped the tip of his tongue into her mouth.

"Yes?" He said into one of their kisses. Not giving her hardly any room to speak, because he could not stand to have his lips apart from hers for more than a split second. She opened her eyes and his breath caught. Small flecks of gold glittered around her blue irises. Glowing in the night.

She attempted to say something, but just as she did, as he trailed his hand down her arm and over the side of her rip cage. Curving around her hip and pulling her thigh up against him. Rubbing his hand slowly up and down the bare skin of her thigh. He kissed her collarbone and trailed his nose over the soft skin of the top of her breast.

She swallowed hard and a small moan sneaked out from inside her mouth as he pressed a kiss over her heart. He groaned, leaning his forehead on her chest. Breathing heavily, this was becoming too much for Nikolai to handle properly he thought.

"Never mind." She said quickly, pulling his head back up and smashing her lips on his.

They lay there for hours, holding one another in their arms, their kisses going from passionate to then achingly tender over time. Intertwined in the white sands of the beach.

"We should probably start heading back." He whispered. "We have a big day tomorrow." At least one of them needed to be somewhat responsible, and unfortunately since he had brought her out here, it was going to be him to return her to that little bed. The bed that painstakingly wasn't his.

"Yeah, you're probably right. If I knew that there was any way that I could convince you to let us stay here, I would do it." She giggled sleepily.

"I know. And it would work." He smiled, pushing himself up. He helped her up and then leaned down and took her into his arms bridal style, her giggles filling Nikolai's ears as she leaned her head into his neck as he walked them back to the ship.

When they reached the dock, he set her down and leaned over to pick up the candle. But he heard footsteps behind him, and being as late as it was, there shouldn't have been anyone else awake. Mara reached for him suddenly.

He turned, but before his eyes could register on who was in front of him, he took a hard blow to the head, nearly knocking him out. He was still recovering from being knocked out before, so he stumbled back. Mara was no longer within arm's reach, and he heard her try to scream, but it was muffled.

His vision was blurry, he blinked multiple times, but he couldn't focus. He tried to reach for her and pull her behind him, but instead his head was met with a hand and was slammed into the side of the ship. And then he hit the dock, hard. He tried to get up, his mind yelling for Mara. Willing himself to stay awake, but he lost. And everything went black around him.

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