Chapter Sixty Three • What Comes Around

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There was no sound. Nothing. Not a squeak could be heard in Rowan's camp. The only sound he could make out, as he carefully made his way deeper and deeper in behind enemy lines with his men, was the sound of their own breathing. Apart from that, only random bird chirping or wind catching hold of some bushes was the sole source of noise that he heard. 

He kept a close watch on his men who soundlessly spilled into every tent they reached, dove into each shrubbery they passed and every other hiding place that the enemy could be lurking in. Looking for any sign that they were in danger, but they all came out in one piece and untouched. Unscathed, apart from an occasional scratch on a cheek from thorny bushes but nothing more than that.

The deeper they ventured, and the more time passed, the more he started to think that just maybe there was no one left in his uncle's camp. Perhaps it was empty. 

But how? How are they all gone? And why would they leave? He let the questions swirl around in his mind. Keeping him from dwelling in the chaotic thoughts about his fear if whether or not Jade was alive or dead. 

The mere thought of her lying dead in their home... it scraped a hole in his chest which he was not capable of handling. He refused to accept this potential outcome... therefore he also refused to believe it until he saw it with his own eyes. Until he saw it, Jade was still alive... and he let his thoughts roam free, as long as they did not touch the memory of her. 

They have us outnumbered, at least they did... now that reinforcements has arrived I am not so sure what our odds are anymore. He contemplated internally. 

It was nothing less than eerie how dead their surroundings where. The silence hung thick around them and it crept underneath his skin like water finding its way into every crevice during a bath. It made him especially nervous since he had excepted his uncle's men to come charging out of nowhere like they had ever since this war had begun. Now, however, there was no sign or sound of them. And it scared him more than facing them head on.

Upon seeing a bonfire, William walked up to it, quickly got on one knee and held his palm out over it. "Barely warm..." He mumbled to himself. 

"It has to be a trap." Christian whispered behind William, somewhere to his left side. "Has to be. It is too quiet." 

"Most likely." William replied but was not sure he actually believed it himself. What he did know, was to not trust the obvious. "Keep a look out and do not let your guard down until we are completely sure there is no one here." He instructed the others quietly. "If you see anyone, do not kill them. I want to know what happened here." 

Robert, Erik and Christian nodded before they left him where he was. 

They left hours ago by the looks of things. He thought to himself, stretching his fingers above the bonfire before getting up again. 

"Where are you, you coward?" He whispered to himself as his eyes scanned his environment. "Where are you hiding? What did you plan?" 

"They are not here." Robert stated once they had combed through the camp hours later. Walking with big confident strides from the west part of the camp. "There is no soul in sight." 

"That cannot be." William said, turning his face in Robert's direction but keeping his eyes straight ahead. "They have to be somewhere." 

"Well... It is so, and they are not. They are not here, William." Robert spoke freely and joined William at his right side, also keeping his eyes constantly on the look for an ambush. One that never seemed to come... however unbelievable it was. 

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