Chapter Fifteen • A Threat from Within

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*Long Chapter*


Jade blinked at the amount of questions pouring out of William. Not quite understanding why he was acting so upset or why his eyes turned more and more panicked with every passing second she studied him quietly. It seemed as if the panic in her husband's face increased with each passing moment it took her to answer him. His eyes searched hers frantically for an answer.

"Jade." He said her name with a hard tonewaking her out of her thoughts. He had grown noticeably impatient from the lack of answers from her. "Answer me." He said sternly.

She met his gaze; he was worried sick. It would probably have been a good idea to have sent him a letter like Elizabeth had initially proposed. Not one that would have told him about the baby, but one which would have prepared him for her arrival. Seeing her here, at the front, had clearly distressed him and from the look in his eyes; he needed to know the reason for her visit.

Jade felt a stinging pain of guilt shoot through her. She shook her head to answer his many questions. Of course he assumed that her presence would mean that something was terribly wrong. What else would it mean? 

"I am not ill." She answered him quietly, not wanting to speak loudly enough that the others would hear her and in doing so announcing his concern to them all. Making him appear weak. Men... "Nothing is 'wrong'". She added.

William's eyes narrowed in confusion when he noticed how she stressed the word 'wrong'. His jaws clenched and his brows furrowed even more as his whole face exuded how he was trying to decipher what had brought her here if she was not ailing something.

"Then why are you here?" He asked, unable to figure it out for himself. He mimicked the level of her voice so the others would not hear. "You are here." He stated afterwards, as if he actually could not believe it. Jade smiled.

"I am. And I would like to discuss the reason for my visit elsewhere..." She said. "Perhaps somewhere more private - not among your friends and men?" She requested politely, nodding backward at the company behind her. He searched her eyes for a long moment. Not really looking like he believed her statement about being in good health."I am not lying, William." She sighed and locked eyes with him when his suspicion started to annoy her.

"If you say so." He mumbled and broke eye contact with her for a second. "We can uhm..." William interrupted himself and studied her once more with narrowed eyes. "Are you sure you are alright?"

Jade broke into a faint smile caused by his concern. She blinked slowly, nodded and gave him a reassuring look that was intended to convey that everything was perfectly fine. She wasn't sick. Well, morning sick - yes - but not sick. Apart from that, she was completely fine. But there was still the issue of whether or not he would be pleased about the news she was bringing. The nervousness stirring inside her right now was enough to make her throw up without the usual nausea she constantly experienced from being pregnant. Trying her best to hide it, she met his beautiful eyes.

He nodded, then threw sharp looks at those behind her. Were his so-called friends making fun of her behind her back? No... Surely they would not dare to that. Not after the introductions they had just shared. Jade turned around, standing to William's right.

Robert studied them. His left hand rested on the pommel of his sword, just like Loren normally stood. Erik, standing by Robert's right side, his face was as blank as piece of untouched parchment. Appearing as if his was unable to say or do anything besides stare. Then there was Christian, standing to the left of Robert. 

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