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I take my arms away from my face. Mostly to get away from the torrent of insults, and general panic, being hurled my way from the viewers. And to also not have to look at my minuscule oxygen supply left.

Why am I like this? My general frustrations with myself begin to violently bubble up.

Why am I just so STUPID!? I slam my hands back up against my forcefield-protected head and groaned in abject frustration.

"I deserve to die out here!" I unknowingly said out loud, and immediately wince at the outburst because I knew-

Veep, beep, vbeep!

My audience would panic.


I just made a shitty situation worse...

"Guys, calm down, I didn't mean it. I'm just frustrated with myself and-"


My stomach dropped.

I heard that.

I KNOW I heard that!!

The vibrating messages from paid and private messages coming through didn't make so much as a sound, but just created a sensation I was aware of.

But I heard something move past me.

"D-did you guys hear that!?"

I panickily asked the only other people with me that could verify if I was going insane or not.

Once you're surrounded by deafening unending silence, you are more than 100% sure when you actually HEAR something...

[Hear what?]

[Is she finally going insane?]

[The lack of oxygen is getting to you! Quick! SWIM UP!!]

[I think I heard something but I'm not to sure!]

[YES! I definitely heard something!!]

Not sure what to believe, if my audience was messing with me or if I truly heard something, I swing my head around to see unending nothingness and I prayed it was just phantom noises plaguing me from the eerie silence.

"H-hello?" I call out.

A red message pops up.

[🔴Who in God's name are you calling TO? Better yet, do you actually want to hear something RESPOND!?🔴]

I fondly roll my eyes at the message and go back to futilely looking around.

The person with the red message was none other than NASA engineer, pilot, and general pain in the ass Captain Killjoy. As the fans not so lovingly named her.

She was the general publicly appointed antagonist to my space adventure story, and she seemed proud of it.

"Good day to you too, Carol. How's the wife?"

[🔴Cut the bullshit, Mel, you know she divorced me and took most of my stuff.🔴]

"Only most of it? Damn, she could've squeezed you for more."

[🔴Fuck you. Anyway, I got woken up in a panic in the dead of night to check in on you and help. What hot mess have you gotten yourself into now?🔴]

She was so fast and efficient at typing is was almost annoying. But I'd landed myself in a pickle and I needed her help to get out.

"I woke up this morning to a surprise tsunami, didn't have time to think or eat or even shit when I had to blast the ship up into the atmosphere to get it out of range. BUT I didn't charge it enough so I did a poll and we voted for me to go underwater to stay safe and wait it out since I won't be dragged by the wave due to the water structure on this moon. THEN I realized just a moment ago I didn't have enough oxygen PLUS I stumbled into the water so I have no sense of direction of up from down!!!"

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