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"56% voted to open the door. Done!!"

I stand up from my position in my chair that was smushed to the side of my big bed while pulled out and face the door. I watched as the preferred answer of many skyrocket pasted each other with thousands of votes, only to get overtaken mere seconds later.

Blink and you'd miss so much.

I saw whole Goddamn YouTube & Twitch streams cropping up as they live-streamed the voting process!

Damn! They were quick!!

They cut out any and all info that would lead new and unsuspecting viewers to my channel. But at this point, anyone who see's my face knows exactly where to get the full undiluted content from.

As much as my attitude might at the moment portray that of a blasé adventurer who is probably throwing caution to the wind, I assure you that deep down I am 100% terrified.

I could quite clearly hear my heartbeat slam repeatedly into my chest as my ribcage struggled to contain the beating monstrosity with every step I take.

I quietly sucked in deep breaths and strained my eyes to keep myself grounded, and from passing out from sheer adrenaline.

Unlike last time, nothing happens to stop me from opening the door.

My hand reaches out for the handle, grabs it, and I take a pause to soak everything in.

Fully accepting the madness of the situation I'd dropped myself in, or had dropped onto my lap. Depends on who you're asking.

Despite everything, I tried to keep one calming thought in the forefront of my mind.

If they, whoever they are, wanted to hurt me...the would've done so by now.

I yank the door open in one grand movement and blink my eyes open to what I see on the other side.

Standing there, almost completely passing the height of my door was a person.

Two persons.

They towered over me as the darkness outside my ship consumed them, the only source of light for...anywhere was from my ship as the soft glows of light illuminated their features.

And what mighty features these fine specimens have.

I slowly step back, not saying a single thing. Almost giving them the gesture to come in but they refused to budge an inch.

I move back to make sure my cameras capture everything!!!

Do they speak?

Will they understand what I say?

How are we even supposed to communicate?

What are we-

"May we come in?"

The words of the one in front broke through my thoughts and my entire body ignited.


I can't do...anything outside of meekly nodding my head.

How pathetic.

They see my head bob back and forth on my neck uselessly. As if with their size they even required permission from me to do anything.

It was obvious they simply did it out of courtesy.

As I continued to struggle to connect the neurons between my brain and my tongue, I hungrily drank in their sight.

Finally, the proper wires clicked into place.

"Oh no, they're hot."

Was all I could literally blurt out.

I could feel my body tighten and come to life at their mere presence.

Was I that starved for human interaction, and physically seeing anything attractive?

I was quite honestly ready to throw myself at either, or even both, of them!

Comparing their physique to that of Greek gods was a disservice to them. Every angle of their body seemed to be chiselled out from stone, every contour line shone with prominence and each feature highlighted itself as if they were a renaissance painting come to life.

Because there were two of them, it was double the impact of beauty and sheer bodily perfection that I struggled but tried to focus on them one at a time.

The first one who spoke up and was in front was the slightly shorter of the two, but by barely more than a couple inches.

They had a bit more of a wider frame that tapered off to an incredibly thin waist. Like a professional college football player.

They had smile lines all over their face, and the way they stood portrayed that of a confident or arrogant person.

The second was taller and more lanky. A straight no-nonsense expression on their face with a much more refined stance and posture.

Obviously the brains of the operation.

Also, their skins were completely different colours.

The first one, though both of them had a pseudo-human body, had skin that was a completely gold tint with a slight transparent sheen to it. Like...I could almost see the inner workings of their body.

The second had a more light muted grey colour, but was broken apart with light speckles of golden around certain parts of their skin in a freckle formation. Like the right side of their head and along the length of their entire left forearm.

Wait a minute...

"Are you all men?"

I could see the comments in my chat implode in on itself.

"What!? I have priorities!" I whisper yell at the camera.

And despite me not ever going to verbally admit it, the first response was right.

[WHAT priorities!? Getting laid!???]


I don't care what, or how, or if it was even possible...

I was gonna get one of them to fuck me.

Bonus points if I get both.

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