Chapter XXX

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Don't be ghosts guys. Vote and comment. Enjoy this next chapter.💛💛💛.

The butler came out dressed in his formal suit as always.
" Miss Wang. A lovely surprise seeing you here." He bowed respectfully.

" Thank you. Um, I'm here to see Mr Xi. I have a very urgent matter to sort out. Is he here?"

" I'm sorry Miss Wang." The butler in his fifties spoke with a shake of his head.

" Today, Mr Xi isn't home. Mrs Xi is here though. If you like, I could lead you to her."

Mrs Xi could probably help her as well . She nodded and the butler led her into the house and told her to sit down.

A maid came to offer her some refreshments but she refused. She was so nervous she couldn't stomach food at the moment.

He asked around and found out that Mrs Xi wasn't in the living room anymore but was outside. Since her feet were getting weaker it would be inconvenient for her to come inside so quickly so the butler led her to the backyard.

There were varieties of plants and flowers planted here but lavender seemed to be the dominant flower around with the purple flowers giving the place a soothing atmosphere.

She wasn't really a flower enthusiast but this place was very dreamy.

She looked ahead and found Xi Jinwei dressed in a simple white T shirt and casual dark pants and some garden gloves on. He had bent down tending to the flowers with his damn dog beside him, wagging his tail for attention.

With his face so cold against gentle flowers made for an aesthetic scene as he watered the plants row by row when he got up.

Weizhe barked when he saw her ,like he usually did and his owner turned to look at his dog who was barking non-stop.

He turned his head to where his dog was barking and he sucked in a breathe at the person coming over.

What he first noticed was her dark and large crescent shaped eyes that crinkled a bit when she smiled like it did right now as she walked towards him. Her gentle waist that looked small in her purple dress swayed as she made her way towards him with a gift basket in hand.

As she came closer, he saw how cute her nose was and her lips which had obviously been dabbed with lipstick was plump. Her face was oval shaped giving her a youthful aura and her hair was was let free today framing her gave delicately.

Her skin glowed with the setting sun that she looked so, so beautiful.

His heart thumped in his chest so hard he had to look away. He felt as if he was falling for all over again as he licked his lips.

He had to make sure that those dark eyes only ever looked at him.

He would rather die than see her give such a look to another. All these thoughts raced through his mind but his face remained expressionless.

But recently, he was having an analysis of her character. Though he was in love with her, it didn't mean she was a saint.

Not from what he has experienced in the past.

Weizhe had stopped barking and ran away when she got closer.

" Your dog still hates me." She laughed as she stopped beside him with the butler beside her.

" Yeah. Weizhe is spoilt. Don't let him get to you."

She crossed her arms," Who spoilt him so much, huh?"

He placed the watering can down and spoke with a raised brow.
" Why? Jealous?"

Why would she be jealous of a dog?

She opened her mouth to answer but Xi Jinwei spoke to the butler.
" I'll take care of her. You can go now."

" Yes , Young Master." The butler bowed and quickly left the scene.

"Here to meet Grandma?"

" Yeah , I need to ask her for a favour." She breathed loudly.

Not wanting to pry, he gestured that she follow.
She came close to him as he led her to his Grandmother. She noticed how good he smelt right now .

Lavender, with a mix of that freshly done laundry scent that was mixed with some kind of masculine scent. She breathed in more like a creep but she didn't care. It was a sin to smell this good.

If he wore cologne plus this, she didn't know what she might do.

'Probably jump him' she countered in her head and these were the moments where she missed Ping.

He would probably scold her at her dirty thoughts. Sometimes, her mind wandered to Xi Jinwei's expressions.

She wondered how his face would look like if he was...


What are you thinking of now? Stop the dirty thoughts and concentrate!

She could help but blush as she stared at his side profile. His face usually looked bored and somewhat cold but it somehow attracted many people to him.

How irritating!

When they reached, the Grandmother was relaxing on a lounge chair.

She lit up when she saw Wang Linxue.
" Dear child, what brings you here? Come sit beside Grandma."

There was a chair beside the lounge chair and she took a seat.

The old lady turned to her grandson," Are you done with my flowers dear?"

He nodded without a word.

" Okay, then leave us. I want to talk to my future Grand daughter in-law." She smiled grasping Wang Linxue's hand gently.

When he left the scene, she turned to the old lady.

" Grandma, I come on behalf on the Wang Family." She handed over the gift basket.

Explaining the situation so that it didn't seem as if she was begging was quite difficult. The situation was a bit difficult to explain because her mother was directly sabotaging the Wang Enterprise.

She had influence so it was affecting the business and at the same time another influence was also directly attacking.

Convincing the Xi Family to help was like helping a competitor on the market. It was unthinkable. You'd rather your competitor was gone rather than helping unless it was a co operation.

From how it was at the moment, Wang Enterprise wasn't looking like a good place to invest.

" I'm sorry dear. If I could help, I would. But alas, this kind of matter is decided by board of directors and shareholders . It's not up to me. Or even Grandpa.

Unless with some convincing but I don't see it happening. I'm very sorry."

" Oh." Her eyes dropped. This meant that her parents are definitely getting divorced.

Tears sprung up in her eyes, her family was really breaking apart and she couldn't do anything above it.

Her phone rang in her bag and she quickly apologized and got up. It was her mom.

" Where are you Xue Xue?" Her mother asked urgently.

" I'm with Mrs Xi right now. Why?"

The woman paused on the phone and shuffling could be heard, " Have you decided who you're coming with?"

" Not yet."

" Ok. Well make the decision as soon as you can. I love you."

" See you."

She walked to the old lady who looked saddened by her expression.
" I'll be leaving then."

" Why don't you stay for dinner? It's almost ready."

" No thank you, Grandma." She smiled. She quickly took her things and left as soon as she could.

See you in the next chapter 💛💛

Ties And Fate (Book 1)✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя