Chapter XLV

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Outside, Wang Linxue finally felt a bit okay after crying so much that she lifted her face off Xi Jinwei's suit to see it crumpled because she had clenched it a bit hard all this time.

" Your suit is crumpled." She tried straightening it without looking him in the eye. She really felt ashamed crying in front of a lot people today and couldn't even raise her eyes right now. Xi Jinwei has seen her in her ugliest and her makeup was definitely ruined right now.

Xi Jinwei saw how she avoided looking at him once more and couldn't help but smile. He lifted her chin but she resisted.

" No. I'm too ugly right now."

He didn't mind nor care so he lifted her chin once more and saw what she meant. Her makeup is definitely a bit mashed up on her face so he waited as she turned away from him, using her phone as a mirror and a tissue to fix her makeup so it was presentable.

Even as she was done, she refused to face him due to embarrassment and all he could see was the glittering of the accessories in her hair and her fair neck that had the semblance of a familiar necklace he had seen her wear multiple times.

He opened his eyes wider seeing her blush, before breathing out in a low hoarse laugh, swallowing as he felt thirsty when his gaze dropped to her lips. Wang Linxue's face felt hotter as it turned redder hearing his laugh and this made his chest feel like it was bursting at how cute she looked.

" You are so cute!" Xi Jinwei voiced out his inner thoughts without shame.

" Liar." She said to him looking at her hands as she did not dare face him.

" Am I? "He teased her knowing deep down he was a liar but not in this situation, not right now.

" Linxue, please look at me."

His tone pleading,she could not refuse him and finally he could see her slightly reddened eyes.

So beautiful.

So much dependence he could see in her eyes , he was almost drunk and his possessive side tried to claw out. She should never watch someone else this.
Only him.

" Be my girlfriend, Linxue."

Wang Linxue was a tad shocked at his question at the moment but for him, it was the right time. In the past, she had always denied his affection for her , insisting that the right person for him was still out there .He has chased her for so long that he was desperate to do anything just so she would be with him even for a bit. Now that she was , he was not going to waste a second of it.

" Jinwei, I don't know. Things are so complicated at this moment and I don't think it would be the best idea to be dating now."

" Why ,huh? Am I not good enough for you Linxue? Is there something I should do or change about myself before you accept me fully?!" His gaze could almost burn a hole through her with the slight frown that marred his handsome face as he eyes shifted to look between the two of hers.

"Please tell me because I want you Linxue. I really have for a long time. As long as I can remember. Tell me what I should do." He grabbed her shoulders desperately his chest pounding, unable to understand why she still pushed him away.

" We still haven't fulfilled the deal we made five years ago." She looked him in the eyes to see if he remembered. She didn't know why but she could not help but remember this right now.

" Deal, what deal?"

" We would break the engagement we have. It's been five years already and it's time to hold up the end of our bargain." She smiled at him sadly. It had to be done.

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