Chapter 3

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"So how long do you plan on staying?" Sero questioned, now more interested after taking a longer look at Izuku. "oh...I don't really know." he replied, realizing that not only does he not know how long he was staying but he also doesn't know the way back. "Well until you decide you want to go back you can stay with us," Kirishima said, looking away, feeling a bit ashamed for being attracted to someone he'd just met. "Really? you don't have to do that, you know." "Of course you can use the guest room, come on, I'll show it to you," Mina said practically bouncing with joy. She then persisted to drag him up the stairs while Izuku began to see a pattern in her behavior. When they got to the guest room Izuku was surprised to see it was well decorated but still simple at the same time it was perfect he never really enjoyed the extravagance of the divine realm in fact when he thought about it he never enjoyed the realm at.
It was 2:30 when Izuku awoke or that's what the alarm on the nightstand said. He woke up in a sweat with tears pouring down his face. He was letting out little whimpers. He tried to calm himself down. It only helped to stop the tears but his eyes were still a bit puffy. He got up out of bed, prior to going to bed Mina had shown him around the house. His throat was dry after crying so he decided to get water from the kitchen. Mina had got him some clothes which happened to be a large shirt that hung just above his knees only wearing boxers underneath. He walked out of the guest room into the hallway making his way down the stairs. He got a little turned around but in the end, he managed to find his way to the kitchen. When he got into the kitchen and opened the cabinet he was disappointed to see that the cups were on the top shelf. Izuku was short. Too short to reach the top shelf and he didn't have the energy to get a chair. So he got on his tippy toes to reach the top shelf and when that didn't work he sighed before putting a knee on the counter and climbing up. Once he was up he grabbed a cup leaning over the sink next to him filling it with water. He sat and took a sip before setting the cup down beside him. He heard a chuckle from the doorway whipping his head to look. In the doorway stood Sero with a cigarette in his mouth with a very certain look in his eye, something Izuku couldn't place. He walked over leaning against the counter next to Izuku "Whatcha doing up so late?" He questioned his voice deep but smooth, making Izuku's cheeks heat up. "I couldn't sleep," he said in a quiet voice. Sero pushed himself off the counter, putting his cigarette out in the ashtray on the counter before standing in front of Izuku putting his hands on his knees and pushing them apart a bit so he could settle between them he wrapped his arms around Izuku burying his face in his neck. At first, Izuku froze before running one hand through Seros hair while he drew patterns on his back with the other. Sero moved his hands so he could pick Izuku up, causing him to gasp and wrap his legs around his waist. He carried Izuku to his room lying on his bed with his head on Izuku's chest. He kissed his forehead and buried his head in Izuku's neck again. Izuku felt Seros hands shaking a bit against him and decided to try and calm him down. He ran his hands through Sero's hair and began to hum a melody. Sero was amazed looking up at Izuku's relaxed face, completely content humming the most beautiful melody he had ever heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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