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Clint was with Wanda, as they took a walk through the old Siberian base. Vision and Pietro had taken another route, while Tony was on the lookout. The two were to search all the rooms they were to come across, and find any information that led to 'Winter', the other soldier that Bucky spoke about.

So far they had come up empty. He sighed as they entered another room, one that looked like an office, papers scattered about... 'This looks like fun..'.. He sighed, as he put his bow on his back, and began scanning through the pages.

Wanda had used her power, to pick them all up, and stack them neatly, before moving to drop into the desk chair, and pull sheets from the pile to look over... 'Who is she?..'.. Wanda asked, reading a page.

'Who?..'.. Clint frowns at one page, before putting it down.

'This soldier. Bucky said she was female. I looked into his mind to see his memories, but he never saw her face, not all of it..'.. She shook her head... 'I can't begin to imagine what they did to her..'.. She sighed, shifting through a few more papers.

'We'll find out. She might have been voluntary..'.. He shrugged, moving to the file cabinet.

'Not from what I saw. No one would volunteer for that..'.. She frowned at a page as she read it... 'Come look at this..'.. Clint came around, and read over her shoulder.

'You think it's about her?..'.. He couldn't understand half of what was written but the list of procedures, including having the jaw wired shut, he didn't know what to think.

'I don't know. It says female, it might be anyone..'..She stared off for a moment, thinking back to Buckys memories... 'It could be her..'.. She looked at the pile of papers, then gestured to the file cabinets, using her power to pull them open. Seeing that they were filled, she sighed... 'We'll take it all back and go through them there..'

She used her powers, to pull every scrap of paper from that office, creating a quite a few stacks, and them moved them out the door in front of her.

Clint tapped his comm, shaking his head at all the papers they had... 'Tony, we found something. I might be a lead but we got a lot of reading up to do first. We're on our way out now..'

'Speedy, strawberry, you two make your way back too..'.. They hear Tony call through their comms.

'I wonder what name he's got for me..'.. Wanda chuckles, as they turn the corner, back into the main tunnel, leading out of the base.

'B'Witched..'.. Clint says, keeping aware of their surroundings, as they spot the main doors.

'Thats actually a good one, I like it..'.. She smiled, making sure to keep focused on the piles in front of her as they head out into the icy cold. Tony lands in front of them, his mask flipping up, as he takes in what they have.

'What? Did you empty every office in there?..'.. He gestures as she takes the papers up into the jet.

'That was one office..'.. Clint says, as Pietro comes to a stop next to Wanda and Vision flies into the jet... 'Theres something there that we've found, it could be her, but there's no name or photo..'.. Him and Tony walk on, and the ramp comes up, closing the back of the jet.

Tony steps out of his suit and moves to the controls, taking off and heading back to the compound. He switches to autopilot and comes over to Wanda and the others... 'So what did you find?..'.. She hands him the page and he reads it, wincing at some of the procedures that were done.

'Yeah I'm guessing a prisoner. They operated on her, as she cut her own throat. She survived, and they wired her jaw shut too. I don't know what..'.. He sighed, feeling a pang if empathy for the woman, whoever she was.


The jet landed back at the compound, and Wanda left the jet first, moving all the papers with her, taking them to the conference room. The others walked out, joining Tony and the team on the lawn... 'We got some visitors..'.. Nat jerked her thumb behind her and Clint tensed, seeing Loki with Thor... 'Apparently he's good now..'.. She whispered, coming to Clints side.

Clint watched as Thor smiled at them all, explaining how and why Loki was there. He glared at the man, wanting nothing more than to put an arrow in him... 'Yeah? Well great for him, I don't care. We got other things to deal with that babysit that asshole..'.. He grabbed his stuff and headed inside, not wanting to listen to any more bullshit.

Shaking his head, he went straight for his room. He needed a long shower and some sleep. It was already gone 9pm and it had been a long day.


The rest of the team, had grouped together in the conference room, working through the papers, scattered across the large table. They had found some that spoke of a female, whether it was the one they referred to as Winter, they didn't know.

'Genetically enhanced, replicated from bio tech force enhancement project. Serum extracted from winter soldier, exposed to gamma radiation with sample from Centipede project, phase one..'.. Steve read out, holding it up and looking around.

'Wait, did you just say bio tech force enhancement project?..'.. Bruce asked, moving over to look at the sheet Steve was holding.

'Yeah, you know it?..'.. Steve's question went over Bruces head as he read the page. How did Hydra know?

Bruce looked across at Tony, feeling anxious... 'If they did this, then who knows what else they did to her. There's no way anyone could survive that..'

'You did..'.. Tony leans over the table and plucks it from Bruce... 'Probably not to the same extent, but you survived gamma exposure, why can't she?..'.. Tony shrugged as he read it... 'Centipede..'.. He frowned in thought before shuffling through other papers... 'Centipede project was a back board from extremis..'.. He taps his hand to the table.

'We need to find out what else they did to her, now..'... The team continue working for the next few hours, trying to find some semblance of order to the papers, hoping to find a name or any details that could assist them with finding out who the soldier is.

Tony needed to know who this person was. The amount of experiments done to them, they shouldn't be alive. And seeing the list of procedures done, he had a feeling they were too far gone to be saved. Glancing around at the team, his eyes stop on Bucky. He could see him twitching, his leg bouncing as he worked through some of the pages, but the fear was written in his face.

Tony hoped that this person was long dead. He didn't want to find himself face to face with them... 'We're going to need coffee and food. Barnes, Rogers can you two take care of that? Have Friday order for us..'.. He looked between the two soldiers, knowing Barnes needed a distraction... 'Everyone grab a handful. Let's go to the main room and relax, we can pick up after we have eaten..'.. Tony picked up a small stack and walked out.

The tension was evident in the room, and he knew this would be an all nighter task..


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