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Mel strolled into the main room, seeing Barton sat at the breakfast bar, pushing his empty plate away, and picking up his cup... 'Glad you ate something. We need to leave at 10, so I'm going to train for a while, want to join me?..'.. She asked, moving to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

'Thought you wouldn't hurt me?..'.. She could hear the irritation in his tone, and was glad she initiated the damping protocol so she didn't have to read him.

'Theres a difference between training and intentionally hurting you Barton..'.. She opened her bottle taking a sip... 'Choice is yours. There's streaming services on the TV if you would rather watch something and gaming consoles..'.. She gestured to the living area... 'Books on the wall over to the side, by the elevator too. Be ready at 10..'

Clint turned his head, watching as she walked down the hallway to the right of the kitchen, knowing that she was going to the training rooms. He was conflicted, not knowing what her true intentions were. She was making it clear, she felt nothing for him, and yet his old feelings were beginning to bubble up inside. Shaking his head, he cleaned up after himself and headed to the training room. He was pissed off at her, so may as well take it out on her.


Loki was surprised that Melody was right, Wanda couldn't read him, wondering what she did to ensure it. He watched the team all talk amongst themselves, about Fury and what his plans were, having to remind himself that he was now 'Barton' and had to play the part.

'Clint, are you alright? You're very quiet..'.. The captain asked him.

'Fine cap, just wondering what all this is about, and when it'll end. Tired of all the games..'.. He sighed, focusing on his plate in front of him.

'Shes just protecting you, you know that. Whatever she's got planned, she wants to keep us out of it..'... Natasha says, looking across at him.

'Im still going through all the files with Bruce, there's a lot to get through..'... Stark shook his head.

'Well, we got nothing to do. So, let us help..'.. Wilson, pushes his empty plate away.

'Thought you didn't trust her..'.. Pietro frowns at him from the other end of the table.

'I don't, but I'm getting tired of sitting around on my ass, with nothing to do. Plus, I can't talk to Casey while this is going on, so I don't know if she's alright..'... Wilson huffs.

'Look, I'm just taking a guess here..'.. Natasha rests her arms on the table, looking around... 'We have the files she gave us on Fury, and the files on her Murdock gave us. Maybe there's something in there, linking them? We can do what we can, while we're here..'

'Whatever, I'm going back to my room. Not like I can really go anywhere, is it?..'.. Nat watched Clint as he stood up, heading to his room. Something was different about him, but she didn't know what.

'Is it me, or anyone else glad Loki has gone?..'.. Tony stood up, clearing his plate... 'No offence Barbie, but your brother is more trouble than helpful..'

'Oh, me? Right..'.. Nat rolled her eyes at Thor... 'He has changed Stark, he is not the same man you knew of, from the battle. He has become his old self again..'.. Nat felt sympathy for Thor. He truly believed Loki had changed, but his sudden departure in the night, put her on edge.

Shaking her head, she looked over to the soldiers, rasing an eyebrow at them... 'Train? I'm bored and aside from Clint, no one else wants to go one on one with me..'

'Fine, but for every time you're put to the mat, that's a lap for you..'.. Steve smirks across at her.

'You're on Rogers..'.. She winked back, and Bucky rolled his eyes... 'Dont be jealous Buck, I'll get on top of you too..'.. She grinned at him, and he shook his head, clearing away his and Steve's plates.


Mel dodged his attacks with the staff, before ducking and sweeping his legs out from underneath him... 'You are fighting with your emotions. Let them go, and focus..'.. She tells him, holding out a hand to help him, but he ignores it, and gets to his feet.

'Miss Melody, you have a message from Loki, asking to come and see you..'..

Mel rolled her neck, keeping her eyes on Barton... 'Deactivate dampening protocol, tell him in the training room..'.. She spins her staff in her hands, and takes a deep breath... 'You need to keep your emotions out of the fight. Your breathing even and heart rate steady, clear your mind. You have to let your instincts guide you..'

She watches as he ignores everything she just said, and instead charges at her again, making Mel sigh. She stepped out of the way at the last second, tapping him across the back gently with her staff... 'And again. I get you're angry, frustrated even, but you can not fight while being held back..'

She turned seeing Loki stood by the door with his arms folded... 'Let me guess, they're going through the files?..'

'You are perceptive..'.. Loki chuckled... 'May I?..'... He gestures, and she nods at him.

'Lets see how good those powers of yours are Loki..'.. She smirked at him, and Barton huffed off to the side. Loki stepped into the middle of the room, and conjured two daggers. Mel just smiled, and tossed her staff to the side. She slipped off her long sleeved crop top, and tied it around her head, covering her eyes.

'What are you doing?..'.. She heard Loki ask, confused as she tied the knot.

'Giving you a chance of winning. Come on then, I'm waiting..'... She had her hands on her hips, smirking.

Clint watched, as Loki went for her with his daggers. Though her eyes were covered, she dodged him every time. He swung again, and she had gripped his  right wrist, disarming him, before spinning, catching his other wrist and twisting, so he was brought to his knees, with her other hand holding the dagger, came to his throat... 'You fight the same as Barton. Let your emotions go..'.. She released him, handing back his dagger.

'Has anyone ever best you?..'.. Loki asked her as she stood, with her back to him, removing her too from her face.

'Yes, behind you..'.. She said, and Loki turned, frowning at Barton.

'You didnt fight back that night..'.. Loki said, and Mel turned to him, hands on her hips.

'Ace didn't fight back, and Melody was born the next day. We are two different people Loki..'.. She sighed, staring at him.

Clint felt they were having some non verbal conversation he wasn't privy to. Seeing the time on the clock above the door, he just left them to it, and headed to his room to get ready. Maybe a cold shower would help him to chill the fuck out.

Mel watched him go, and her gaze slid to Loki... 'The others are in place and Strange is currently looking for the spell I need...'... She informs him.

'Is there any other news, regarding you?..'.. Loki asked her, stepping closer, keeping his voice low.

'Other than they're onto me, a bounty on my head, alive, along with Matt. You know, the usual..'.. She pulled her hair down from its messy bun, and redid it.

'I will see you later my dear, when you come to the compound..'... He takes her hand, placing a kiss to it, before disappearing. Mel sighed, and left the room, to go get ready.

She needed a quick shower, as they only had a half hour left to leave. Smiling to herself, she knew her friends would be there for her. If the timing of this went accordingly, she would be free by the weekend.


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