Messages and Nightmares

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Chapter 13

Jasper P.O.V

I stared wide eyed and open mouthed at the message on Emmett's phone,

"Calm Jasper, we don't want Esme and Carlisle to come up," Emmett said quietly. I took a few deep breaths and looked at Rosalie. She looked me straight in the eye and I calmed down immediately,

"What is this all about?" I whispered,

"Well dude, I was hoping you could explain." Emmett replied. I read the message again;

Tell your scrawny little sister, he's mine. He loves me and I love him and we were meant to be. If she's not careful, she'll be in a lot of trouble. I mean it,


"I, I don't know Emmett." I wasn't lying, I had no idea what this was all about. Jessica Stanley repulsed me. When I first met her she was all over me like a horrible, irritating rash. Her hair was too fake and she smelled like she had bathed in a horrible perfume. I didn't like her, at all,

"This is what the attack was all about?" Rosalie asked,

"It must be, I don't know why though. I never led her on at all, I thought I made myself very clear," I replied, I was still staring at the text message,

"So basically, your telling me she's a psycho?" Emmett asked loudly, I looked at him and I saw a small smile creeping across his face. As soon as it was there, it was gone again,

"Well I don't know," I didn't know, was she mental or had I indeed led her on without knowing it,

"You are telling me that there is a psycho girl who is in love with you and wants to hurt my little sister" Emmett's face was concerned, and I was pretty sure mine mirrored his. I wanted to sit down and get this all sorted out now, to protect Alice but then I heard a light trill of laughter and the sound of someone moving across the landing,

"Later Emmett. We will get this sorted. She will be fine, don't tell her." I stressed the last point. The last thing that we needed was a frightened Alice running around because that would not help the situation. Besides how much harm could Jessica Stanley be?

Sunday, the day of rest to many people over the world. Many people, not including Alice. Instead of what many people usually experience, which I hear is a 'lie-in', I was dragged unwillingly out of my bed at 9am. I grumbled under my breath the whole way down the stairs, not even Alice's bright bubbly mood stopped my grumpiness. Esme had, of course, made a lovely breakfast again. Blueberry pancakes, Rosalie's favourite. Emmett was practically falling asleep over his empty plate, Rosalie was eating quietly. Carlisle was not at the table, I wondered if he was already at work,

"Good morning Jasper, how are you?" Esme asked sweetly,

"Tired," I said meaningfully, looking at Alice. She laughed loudly,

"Sorry Jazzy, I'm an early riser!" She smiled broadly and I couldn't help but smile back. Her happiness was intoxicating,

"What are you doing up Emmett?" I asked between mouthfuls, he jerked up at the sound of his name,

"What?" He asked a little loudly,

"What are you doing up?" I repeated,

"Oh, Rosalie woke me up," He said looking at Rose. I saw something flash in his eyes, love?

"Oh, okay," I didn't want to know any more details. Alice giggled and we continued eating in silence. After breakfast I found myself sitting out back with Alice on the porch swing,

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