Glimpse of the Future

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Chapter 15

Jasper P.O.V

I stared, completely dumbfounded, at the man whom I loath to the deepest depths of my soul,

"What?" I whispered, trying to control the anger which was threatening to overflow,

"We are moving," I clenched my teeth,

"Why?" Rosalie whispered in a frightened voice,

"You have started to mingle with people too much," He smiled wickedly,

"They are our friends," Rosalie replied,

"Yes, friends who's father is a doctor," he had an evil grin painted on his face, I scowled,

"I thought you liked me having a girlfriend to control, manipulate," I was playing my last card here, would he take it?

"Well yes Jasper, I like you learning early," he grinned, "But unfortunately, your sister seems to have a puppy following her around, pining" His grin was gone now,

"But, daddy, I don't even like Emmett. He's just a nuisance, Jasper can get rid of him," She was begging, pleading now. I knew she was lying, but I just knew her so much better and also knew the truth. But would Matthew buy it? I crossed my fingers behind my back, I watched his face he was in deep thought. Then I felt completely disgusted with myself, this was putting Alice in a lot of danger,

"Well, when you put it like that," he was no longer smiling, but looking at Daniel who had remained completely silent throughout the discussion,

"We can stay?" I asked hopefully. He looked at me, suspicious at my upbeat tempo, " I mean, I have that bitch almost wrapped around my finger. I was hoping to play around with her a little bit," I tried my best to look scheming,

"Jasper, you will sort out this boy that is annoying Rosie?" Matthew asked e, I gulped loudly,

"Of course I will Matthew, I will teach him a lesson he won't soon forget." Matthew smiled evilly,

"Good. Daniel, lets leave Jasper and Rosalie to unpack," I looked up shocked, was he not going to beat us up? We had disappeared for days, surely a beating was due? He noticed my look,

"Don't worry, little Jasper, you and Rosalie will get punished later. Get my room sorted, I am tired." I nodded, breathless. I pulled Rosalie into Matthew's room and we quickly started unpacking the various boxes, I put up his bed again. Rosalie informed me that the nightmare she had the previous night was about Matthew hurting me, I comforted her briefly. There was no time to really make her feel any better. We continued our work in silence knowing that we had just dug a huge hole for ourselves,

Rosalie and I had stayed up late trying to re-organise the house. We ended up sleeping curled up together on my bedroom floor. I had tried to make it as comfortable as possible, sleeping on the mattress and covering us with various blankets, Matthew had turned the heating off. Unfortunately when I woke up in the morning I had a stiff neck. Rosalie did too but we soldiered on, we showered and dressed, Rosalie hardly bothered today, no make-up and wearing drab clothes. She looked like she had given up. We both had huge bags under our eyes from lack of sleep, I had insisted that she should go to bed earlier than me but she refused, wanting to help. She had another nightmare but she didn't speak about it. We didn't have time for breakfast, we still had to sort out the living room for Matthew and Daniel before they got up, we wanted to sweeten them up. We considered staying home and getting the rest of the house sorted but we quickly changed our minds, the more time spent away from Matthew and Daniel, the better. We ran out of the house with no time to spare, my stomach was growling the whole way to school. The bell rang as soon as we parked, I looked up to see a very concerned Alice at the steps. I told Rosalie I would meet her after school and we went our separate ways. Alice was not smiling when I reached her, a sight I did not like,

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