*Special* A Villianess Tea Time

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Somewhere between worlds, there is a table set up in lavish elegance. The table was draped with a fine white tablecloth with gold lace at the end. Several cups were seen on the table from different worlds and periods. One cup was red like the color of blood, one cup had some roses in design, and so forth. Several treats and snacks lined the table from cutely decorated pastries, savory sandwiches, and even some puddings and custard. Each chair set out for each woman was distinct with their personality. The setting was peaceful as the table was inside an atrium where many plants from areas across the multiverse grew and the outside changed in location every so often. 

The door opened on the side to reveal each woman from the anthology series walking side-by-side with one another. Some had smiles on their faces, some chatted with each other, and a couple were nervously glancing at the intimidating figures. 

The one leading the pack was Evil Queen Kiana, who gazed at her peers with an indifferent glance. The woman who so callously killed many under her heels enjoyed the atmosphere of the tea room. Her story was just about done and her marriage was one of happiness. She grasped onto her happy ending with the blood of her enemies on her hands. Today she wore a deep red dress with small spikes on her neckline, a blood-ruby necklace, and black heels. Her hair was curled to perfection and her crown stood in her hair perfectly. Her lipstick matched her dress's striking colors as her eyes narrowed.

Standing by her was Princess Rosario of the demon realm. Her untamable nature was still evident as she was never truly redeemed. Thanks to Dementio, she was currently plotting the demise of that sickly sweet heroine and her harem of idiots.  Her wild red hair cascaded down her back as she tied it in a loose ponytail. Her outfit matched those of ravens; black in color and feathers abundant. Even her heels and headpiece sported a black feather somewhere to bring out her red hair. She stared at Kiana with a sense of comradery, feeling as if the two would get along just fine.

Behind the pair was Lady Faith of the Bloodied Rose tale. She was happily looking around at the beautiful garden as her mind raced at how many poisons she could make from the plants alone. Since her engagement and killing of her sister, she and her prince charming had taken a liking to apothecary and botany. Her attire was different from her usual attire; a green dress with floral patterns, white gloves that went up her arms, and a blue ribbon around her waist. Her hair was put up in a bun, and a small hairpiece of Fireblood Roses was laced in.

Trying to have a conversation with Faith was Mercella Mercer of Nobody Deserves Her Tale. Mercella was eagerly conversing with Faith about their lives outside of the main narrative. The powerful child of light and dark magic was happily spending her days reuniting with her parents and spending time with Quinn the dragon. Her dress was representing her lineage by being half white on the left and half black on the right. Her two-tone hair was tied with black ribbons and a cute moon necklace was on her neck. 

Near the middle of the pack was the frustrated face of Mella Evans of the Brother, Love Me Tenderly story. She was making a face at the dress she was forced to wear before sighing unhappily. She hoped that Abel was doing alright without her and not stressing out at the fact that she vanished out of thin air. Her outfit was only a modest yellow dress with a sunflower design along with matching pale yellow slippers. It was a nice dress, but she felt it wasn't her style.

Trying not to laugh beside her was Necroma from the story Blackhearted Beauty. Oh, how she wished Astros was here to laugh along with her! The dark spirit was annoying, but a fun companion to have around. No longer dying meant she could finally live the life she always wanted. Her long, inky hair trailed behind her with star designs in her tresses. Her dress was deep purple with long sleeves, golden jewelry on her neck and ears, and a black slipper. Purple lipstick was on her lips as they closed tightly to prevent her from laughing too hard.

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