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Chapter 44

With a desire to make trouble, Jiang Tang called Lin Suizhou as soon as the children fell asleep.

The call was quickly connected, he answered in a hoarse voice: “Hello.”

“This is Jiang Tang.”

Lin Suizhou’s voice was slightly tired: “I know.”

Jiang Tang looked up at the time: “Are you at the company?”

“En.” He replied softly, “There is a document I need to handle. What’s the matter?”

Hearing this, Jiang Tang didn’t beat around the bush and went straight to the point: “Chang Qing Kindergarten will hold parent-child activities the day after tomorrow. You should go with me.”

The day after tomorrow….

Lin Suizhou checked his schedule book. He is going to attend a charity party in C City on that day. He pursed his lips with fixed attention: “I am busy on that day, have some work that needs to be dealt with.”

She was not surprised by his answer, it was expected.

Jiang Tang didn’t insist and said indifferently: “Forget it, I’ll just go by myself.”

The phone hung up.

The huge office was silent, only accompanied by the cold moonlight hanging in the sky. Lin Suizhou twirling the black pen in his hand as he lowered his eyes in deep thought. A moment later, he took a deep breath and closed the document.


On the day of parent-child activities, the parking lot outside the kindergarten was filled with vehicles, and the school playground was also equipped with props for various activities. Because the big and small classes’ activities were held separately, Jiang Tang couldn’t take care of both ends. After greeting the teacher, she then took Qian Qian to Liangshen’s big class.

Because Liangshen is tall, his seat is all the way at the back.

As soon as Jiang Tang took the child into the seat, several parents around her started looking at her.

It’s not to admit that Jiang Tang is too gorgeous, even if she was stuck in a pile of children, it still revealed dazzling scenery. Even though she dressed up simple today and only put on light makeup, it could not hide her natural beauty.

“Are you Lin Liangshen’s sister?”

The parents at the table could not help asking.

She smiled back: “I am Liangshen’s mother.”

The other party was a little surprised, looked at her a few more times, and said with envy: “You are so young doesn’t look like a mother of two children at all….”

Jiang Tang didn’t speak.

“Every time having this kind of activity, before these two children could only watch from outside. How pitiful….”

After speaking, she seemed to realize something, immediately shut her mouth and looked away.

She couldn’t help looking at Liangshen and Liangqian beside her. It is probably because this is the time they are attending parent-child activity with their mother, Jiang Tang could feel their nervousness, especially Liangshen, whose body was stiff like wood, and the legs that hung under the table shook from time to time, did not know if he was afraid or nervous.

After confirming that all the parents have arrived, the newly appointed kindergarten teacher went to the stage.

She looked around and finally wrote her name on the blackboard—— Zhao Qingqing.