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Chapter 86

Lin Suizhou pressed down his lips slightly while his big hand grabbed her wrist. Jiang Tang faltered and finally was forcefully dragged back by him.

He looked at her: “I can fulfill your career.”

Jiang Tang was confused: “….Huh?”

He said word by word: “Don’t you want to be a screenwriter? I can support you. I’ll shoot whatever you write.”



Jiang Tang looked at the sky helplessly.

Look, this man’s chauvinist attitude is coming up again. She knew it. No matter how silly and sweet he is, deep in his bones, he is still a dominant president who can’t tolerate no as an answer.

Jiang Tang couldn’t resist mocking him: “If I write R -18 script, would you shoot it too?”

He nodded: “I will shoot everything, even the NP* script.”

T/N: NP this term refers to one FL/ML with a romantic relationship with many partners.

Jiang Tang smiled: “You even know NP?”

Lin Suizhou’s expression was calm as before: “I’ve heard a little about it.”

He…heard a little about it?

Jiang Tang has long been used to Lin Suizhou’s personality. At this moment, there are no other feelings besides finding it funny. She broke away from Lin Suizhou’s hand with a poker face and calmly said: “President Lin, please be rational.”

He said: “I’m very rational.”

Isn’t it just being a golden screenwriter? As long as he, Lin Suizhou, is here, not just a mere screenwriter, he can hand over the entire Hua Tian to her without the slightest hesitation.

In the past, he only wanted to make Huatian grow more successful, but now all he wants is to remarry Jiang Tang, remarry, remarry. But unfortunately…..God did not grant what one prayed for. As long as Jiang Tang is willing to come to him, not to mention R-18 or NP, they’re not a problem at all.

“Rational my butt.” Jiang Tang couldn’t hold it and exploded, “I’m incredibly talented and beautiful. I don’t need a back door connection. Bye, I’m going to sleep.”

She waved her hand and turned around elegantly, leaving Lin Suizhou standing in the same place with an aggrieved face.

After taking two steps, she suddenly turned her back: “I’m short of a bed warmer. You want to come?”

She thought that the man who had been in a drought for a long time would not hesitate to agree, surprisingly he snorted coldly and turned his head away proudly: “Physical touch of illicit relationship is unacceptable. The bed warmer is also not allowed.”

No kidding. As the boss of a big company, he also has principles. How can he send himself over after being rejected?



This tyrant boss has quite a temper.

“Forget it if you don’t want to come.” Jiang Tang murmured and went to walk away. 

As she was about to leave, she heard his voice come behind her: “Is the sofa warmer okay?”


She knew it……

Jiang Tang leaned on the railing and stared at him. She saw through Lin Siozhou’s anxiousness waiting for an answer. The smile on Jiang Tang’s face became more profound, and a while later, she nodded her head.