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Finely Floyd-

" You told a random guy that you met at a Gas Station our address? " My mother asked, already knowing the answer.

" He wouldn't leave me alone, Mama " I looked up at her from my position on the couch, trying to tie my shoes.

" What if he kills you and stuffs you in a freezer? " She frowned, standing in front of me with her hands on her hips.

" Then I probably won't be home for dinner " I smile, struggling to stand before leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek. " I'll be home in a few hours, Mama " I smile

" You better not wake me up " She grumbled, walking away.

" Ok, Mama " I laugh softly, walking to the door when I saw a car pull into the driveway.

I stood on the porch for a minute before going down the steps, almost falling a few times.

He opened his door, stepping out and looking me up and down.

Whenever he looked at me, it made me feel like he was judging every part of my body, and it bothered me for some reason.

Maybe it was because he looked absolutely perfect.

His hair looked fluffy and held more curl than it did earlier.

He stood by his side before walking around and opening the passenger side of the car, smiling when I reached him.

I sighed, walking past him and leaning against his car before I opened the back door, taking my crutches and laying them across the backseats.

I leaned against the side of the car as he stared at me, dropping myself onto the passenger seat when I got close enough.

He shut the door for me and walked back around the car, getting in and starting the engine.

I leaned my head against the headrest, smiling when I saw my mom look at us through the window with her arms crossed, glaring at us while we pulled out of the driveway.

My smile dropped when he looked at me, his lips slightly parted before he pressed them in a thin line for a minute.

" Is that your mom? " He pointed to her as he drove down the road in front of the house.

" Yea " I answered, looking out the window as he drove.

" You live with anyone else? "

" Yea, my brother " I answered.

He was silent after that, not looking at me as he drove with one hand, his other sticking out the opened window that was cooling the already cool car.

" Where are we going? " I turned my head to look at him.

He looked almost nervous, he held a frown and was gripping the wheel tightly.

" Where do you wanna go? " He looked at me for a second.

" You don't know where we're going? " I furrowed my brows as I looked out the front window.

" I was going to take you to my families cabin, but we could go anywhere you want " He leaned his head against the headrest.

" Why? "

" Why, what? " he asked, looking at me as I stuck my hands under my thighs

" Why are you taking me there? " The cold air was making me wish I had brought a jacket.

" I figured I could cook something for us and watch tv or something " He shrugged, now smiling as he looked at me again. " We don't have to " He slowed the car.

" no, it's fine " I mumbled, leaning my head against the window as he sped up.

" It's going to be a half an hour before we arrive, so " he said softly, clearly taking a breath at the end.

" So what? "

" So what do you want to talk about? " He laughed softly

" uh, I don't know " I answered

I wish I wasn't so bad at small talk.

I looked at him, slouching in my seat when he smiled his bright smile when he saw me looking at him.

" Well, thanks for deciding to come out with me " He spoke, adverting his eyes back to the road a few moments later.

" That's because you wouldn't move " I mutter, looking down at my lap.

" Sorry, I'm kinda persistent with some things " He apologized

" It's ok " I took a breath

He was quiet for all of 10 seconds before he spoke again.

" Why are you on crutches? What happened? "

" Stop " I said quieter

" What? Stop what? "

" It's none of your business. We know nothing about each other and I want it to stay that way so... just stop " I sigh, leaning my head against the headrest as pain flowed through my body when I tried to move my leg.

" I know your name is Finely " I turned my head to look at him, my eyebrow furrowed as I tried to figure out how he knew my name " When your mom was yelling at you to hurry up, she yelled your name " He spoke when he saw I was staring at him with a confused expression.

I stayed quiet after that.

" My name is Liam " He spoke after a few minutes.

I leaned my head back against the window, crossing my arms to try to get warmer.

Liam must run hot because it was so cold in this car, which is bullshit because it's May. How do you keep a car so cold in May?

" Finely? " He said softly

" What? " I questioned, turning to look at him as he looked at me with a straight face.

" Are you cold? " He shuffled in his seat, bringing his left arm inside the car and putting up his window. He switched the hand he was driving with for his left before moving to rest his right arm on the center console.

" Why'd you ask if you were just going to put the window up anyway? " I looked at my hands, picking at my nails until they bled.

" My mistake " he laughed.

" I was fine with it down " I turned my head to look at him, a smile on his face as he drove.

" You were shivering " He looked at me with a straight face.

I glared as he spoke.


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