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[ sexual content ]

BY THE TIME PEOPLE BEGAN, to leave the party, Zora and Y/N were completely wasted. The truth was that Y/N even started to feel like competing against Zora since she didn't want her to think she was a loser as well. Zora took large gulps of alcohol and other drinks such as sodas and juices, so Y/N didn't think she could compare. They were just in the large bathroom doing nothing but drinking with one another, but they both found comfort in that.

Zora laughed uncontrollably as she slammed yet another beer into the garbage can beside her. "I beat you.. again!!!"

Y/N stared at the female with tired eyes and no emotion on her face, "Yippie, man..."

Both of their voices were slurred with each word they let out, but that's not what either of them were focused on. They were just so set on beating eachother.

"Awww, don't be a sore loser...!" Zora shouted, watching as the woman flinched at the sudden yell, "Okay Y/N...?!!"

The H/C haired woman pushed her hand up to her ear before she gently pushed it against it with her squinted E/C eyes. "Stop. My ears are fucking sensitive..."

Zora leaned herself back, offended by the other woman's words, "Okay, god.. I'm sorry... I ONLY wanted to make you feel better about yourself because you're lame... I bet... You're... I-"

Hand dropping down to her side, Y/N took some steps over to the dark haired girl that struggled to say whatever she wanted to say. "Hey! Spit that shit out...!!"

"I- I bet you're.. a prude..." Zora successfully whispered, her piercing blue eyes staring up at Y/Ns E/C ones.

Y/N was a little stunned by what Zora had told her, but if she wanted a competition on that as well, she would take it, "We both know that you're the prude...!"

"No!" Zora pouted, her eyes slowly closing as low giggles erupted from her, causing her shoulders to bounce.

"Yes!" Y/N replied, her eyes closing as she yelled right in the other girls face.

Luckily, Zora's ears weren't as sensitive as Y/Ns, so she felt just fine with her crush yelling at her.

The shorter woman then backed herself up against the sink counter with seductive eyes that also had a innocent flash through them. She big on her bottom lip and tilted her head to the side, "Why.. don't you prove it to me...?"

Y/N gulped and nodded at the shorter girl before she slowly took even more closer steps over to her. "Oh.. a-are.. you sure...?"

"Mhmmm.. I want it..." Zora answered with the quickness, the look on her now having pleading eyes, "Please...? C-Can you...?"

Lips parting and feeling unable to speak actual English, Y/N just nodded her head once more before she gently pushed her hands out, letting them rest around Zora's waist.

Zora shivered at the feeling of Y/N sliding her hands around her waist, and she just knew then and there that she wanted even more.

Pushing her own hands up to her crushes shoulders, Zora stepped on her tippy toes with squinted eyes, "Y/N... I.. I'm a good girl..."

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