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ZORA WATCHED AS Y/N LOOKED, the blondes way, wondering whether she was going to go up to her or not. When she seen that she wasn't making any kind of effort to speak with the one she loved, a euphoric feeling grew inside of her, and all of her worries vanished out of nowhere. She was so happy that she had one less issue to think about because now she had to make sure that Natalie wouldn't go anywhere near Y/N, and another thing was that she had to make sure she would fall crazily in love with her and her only. She wanted the other female out of the picture.

Y/N on the other hand, was getting confused by her situation with Natalie, completely forgetting about the curly haired woman that was also puzzled by what was going on between the both of them. She couldn't stop looking at her after the night they shared, and she hated the fact that she didn't even dare turn her head in her direction.

As she was sighing to herself, her E/C eyes still wandering all over the blonde that practically shuddered at the hard stare that came from the other woman, that's when she froze up and realized that a hand was being placed on her shoulder, causing her to turn her face over her shoulder only to see the blue eyed girl standing there, biting the inside of her left cheek with a happy look in her eyes.

"Oh... Zora. What's up..?" Her voice was raspy as she shifted majority of her attention onto the dark haired girl that kept her hand against her shoulder, unknowingly making her grow uncomfortable by the feeling of just resting there.

After a quick gulp came from the shorter girl, she finally decided to speak, her grin from ear to ear irritating the H/C haired female for some odd reason, "Hi, Y/N... I wanted to.. know how you were doing..! I've been thinking about you nonstop, it's actually getting crazy... Ummm.. have you been thinking of me..?"

Looking the teen up and down for a few seconds, Y/N gulped and raised a few of her fingers up to the side of her face, gently itching herself. She knew she wasn't thinking of her at all, but she just shrugged it off and told her what she wanted to hear, "Yeah... Of course I've thinking of you."

Zora could tell that the love of her life was lying, and although that stung, she just let it happen, hoping that she could get her to like her as much as she liked Natalie, "That's good. What have you been up to? It's been a while..."

"I've been up to nothing.." Y/N shot another look over to the blonde that still opted to mind her business because of what had happened. She then realized she was allowing her mind to trail off during a conversation with a girl that clearly liked her so she took her attention away from her once again, "Nothing too important. What have you been up to..?"

"Same as you. Nothing too important..!" Zora announced softly, her eyes crinkling as she gave the other young woman another smile that made her hold back an eye roll.

Nodding her head at the curly haired girl that continued standing over her while she was silently seated, wondering when she was going to get the hint to leave her alone, she then noticed her moving to the other side of the table. She didn't do anything though, she just tensed up, cursing to herself in her mind. She thought it was clear that she didn't want to be bothered at the moment.

"So, Y/N..." Zora sat down, trying to gain all of the females attention since she could tell something was on her mind, "Don't you remember what we did...?"

Those slick words caused Y/N to turn to face Zora, her E/C eyes narrowing as she did so. Not seeing the point of what the curly haired woman had just said, all she did was hum and nod her head up and down, causing the other girl to smile with her entire body turning hot just from the thoughts she was getting.

Propping herself up on her chin, she stared at every inch of Y/Ns face, knowing she would never be able to get over her if something were to happen to either of them, "Do you regret it..? I know I don't... I.. I'd actually love to do it with you again... Especially now that Natalie's out of the way."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and now, it seemed that the shorter female finally had all of her undivided attention, "Excuse me? What do you mean by now that Natalie's out of the way..??"

"What? You don't know what she said about you? She said you were just a whore to her, and that she'd never feel a thing for you again..." Y/Ns breath hitched as she felt every inch of her body go cold, "Then she told me you guys apparently slept together..? It doesn't matter though because she said I can have you to myself."

Still, nothing came from the H/C haired teen. For some odd reason, she just left betrayed by the blonde, and she couldn't understand how she would say such things about her even after the night they shared. She wasn't worried about Zora though, and that proved the type of person she was.

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