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( I personally love this poem it took a lot of time to think and write it but , here's the finished product hope you love it)

"Whispers of the muse"

In the twilight's gentle kiss,
Where whispers weave in ethereal mist,
A symphony of stars, a celestial ballet,
I sought to craft a poem, to find my way.

But words eluded, like fireflies at night,
Their fleeting beauty, beyond my sight,
So here I stand, with quill in hand,
Seeking guidance, in this poetic land.

Oh, muses of old, lend me your grace,
Fill my verses with beauty and embrace,
Let metaphors dance, like petals on a breeze,
And rhymes entwine, like lovers at ease.

In fields of ink, let emotions bloom,
In rhythm and cadence, let my spirit zoom,
Unleash the power of language profound,
Where every line is a symphony's sound.

Through valleys of sorrow and peaks of delight,
Through sunsets ablaze and moonlit nights,
In every stanza, let my soul be unveiled,
A tapestry of words, forever hailed.

So now I write, with renewed inspiration,
To weave a tapestry, a poet's creation,
With your touch, dear muses, make it sublime,
Let this humble poem stand the test of time.


THE COLLECTIONS OF SOULPOET Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora