Chapter Twenty

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Zale's P.O.V.

We were back on Tethra, and Alanshia had been in her rooms ever since we arrived. She was still distraught and attempting to reconnect with Jack. 

I couldn't blame her, and felt incredibly bad for her.

 I was in a room with my brother's, and we were planning war.

"So, where should we start? Obviously Clark knows something," Lionel stated, leaning back in his chair.

Gale nodded, "I agree, he definitely does, and I'm sure he knows we know he does," he paused, "but that's a good question, where do we start?"

I sat forward in my chair, and put my elbows on the table. "I don't want to kill anymore innocents than we have to, which means staying away from the towns and Clark's fortress, or whatever you want to call his pathetic excuse for a home."

Lionel and Gale nodded, agreeing with me. "Then we need to find where their base is, or if it's even on Artoul." Gale stated it, and I nodded. "I don't think it would be on the other side of the planet. It has to be by where we were."

"Well, it doesn't have to be. But I agree, they aren't on the other side of the planet. I've looked into Artoul's layout. Most of the people are close to Clark's, the other side of the planet isn't as habitable as his side. It's all rough mountain, or incredibly dense forestry." Jamison spoke out, and I stood to get a map from one of the cabinets on the other side of the room.

Walking back, I began to unroll it, and then laid it on the table in front of my brothers. "Clark's is here," I pointed to the region Clark's estate was placed, "and this is the area Alanshia last connected with Jack." Pointing to the area, I realized how close they actually were.

"Are you sure?" Lionel asked, sounding as disgusted as I felt.

Jamison sat forward, "If he's not, I am. That is the place."

I nodded, and looked at my three brother's. I wished, not for the first or the last time, that my parents were still here. They were amazing leaders, and I could only hope to live up to their name. "First thing, we send a small, undetectable search team to search for Jack. If he is still there, we will find him," I said more to Jamison than my other brother's. 

"I want to lead it," Jamison said, his face calm.

"That's fine, and understandable. You will leave first thing tomorrow, so I would start thinking about who you want to go with you." 

Jamison nodded, and then he stood up, "Well, you three know I've never been good at the planning part. I am sorry to leave you, but I need to go be with my wife."

Gale, Lionel and I said goodbye to him, and watched as he walked out. 

"Now, when the search party is dispatched, we need to send out-" I began to speak, but suddenly the door to the room we were in was thrown open, and in strolled Alec.

"Hello boys!" He said, almost cheerfully.

We all said our hellos, and he made his way over to our table, and sat in Jamison's abandoned chair. "What do we have here?" he questioned, leaning over the map. "Ah, planning something against Artoul? I thought all was well, and that Clark was going to help you guys?"

I tried to keep my face calm at the mention of Clark, "What are you doing here, Alec?"

Alec frowned, and his eyes went steely, "Well, I'm here to help! Of course. Why else would I be here?"

"The door was locked for a reason." I stated, and leaned over the table to begin rolling up the map.

Alec set his hand down on the map forcefully, halting my process. "Well, I decided I would help you. You boys don't seem to be making much progress, there is nothing written on this map." 

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