Chapter One

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        Staring into the mirror I hated what I saw. I hated what I was forced to wear, even though I was shoved into corners and dark spaces and told to not speak out.

I was forced to be a fly on the wall.

I couldn’t tell you how many pointless balls or parties I had been at through my years, where my father had said, “I don’t want to hear anything from your mouth. If you speak so much as one word, I will find out about it. Do you understand, Jaylee?”

I would cast him a glance, but only the nod of my head would tell him I knew. Around the time I was 14, he stopped telling me what was expected of me.

I was to be a good girl. I was to stand away from the people, and if someone were to approach me, I was to walk away to some other secluded part of the room. No matter what status they were, I was not allowed to speak a word to them. My posture was to be completely straight, and my nose was always supposed to be up, but my eyes down. My father made it very clear I was not to look any of the other people in their eyes, and that was drilled into me. If for any reason I was caught in a situation where I could not get away, and I was forced to be compliant, then I was to act like I did not understand them, or pretend like I was not able to hear them.

Though that was crazy because the minute I woke up, I was thrown into countless classes. I knew at least 12 different world languages, and all of their sub-languages, including Earth’s. My Earth accent was very prominent here, though I rarely ever talked, but when I did I was told it sounded lyrical. The language of my new home, a planet called Artoul was harsh. If you did not understand them, it would sound like they were yelling at you, when in reality someone could be telling you how much they loved you.

Not that I had even heard the word love come out of someone’s mouth when I was around.

Surprisingly many other planets’ inhabitants resemble those of Earth’s. Though some had weirdly colored skin, like the women from the planet Zaroth had blue skin, while the men had pink.

On Artoul, the planet was full of warriors. Literally, it had to be something in the water. All the men were tall, and had well defined muscles. Whether they were small muscles or huge, it didn’t matter because they were all extremely strong. They all had skills, some were better at intellectual things, while others were superior in the art of fighting, but in the end if there was a war it wouldn’t matter because they would all be used. The women of this planet were all very tall and coldly beautiful. They were all extremely tall, and skinny. They were insanely regal.

Now, take my 5’2”, curved figure and I was definitely a very sore thumb in this world.

My father was a king. He had the largest amount of land and was very wealthy. I knew he was my father the minute I had laid my eyes on him when I arrived on the planet. It wasn’t because some part of me was attached to him, it was more the fact that I had the same eye color as him, and my nose was shaped like his.

I hated him the moment I met him.

Now, eight years later, I am sitting before a large mirror, glaring into my golden brown eyes as one of my maids pulled my hair up and into a tight up-do. 

“Jay, please sit up straighter! You know I hate to have to bend to get all the pins into place,” behind me the tall girl giggled, and I sent my glare her way. "Oh now, don’t be so prickly, shorty.”

I snarled at her, “It’s not my fault you’re 6’5”.”

She barked a laugh and I sat up straighter, bracing myself for the pokes and prods of the pins sliding into my hair. “Jaylee, I am so jealous of your hair color. I wish we had this color on this planet.”

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