23. Emery

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Once Grayson leaves, I sit on the couch and stare at the wall for at least fifteen minutes.

Devyn is out with Leia, and I have no idea where Aria is. It's Saturday and she's usually home all day.

After a couple more minutes of doing nothing, I get up and walk to the laundry room to finish my sheets. I toss them in the dryer right as the doorbell rings. I hope like hell it's Grayson.

I run to the front door and open it, only to see Jack there. He shoves me back and lets himself in.

"Jack, what are you doing?" My hands tremble and I clench them into fists.

He doesn't answer me, he just locks the door behind him.

"Jack, stop," I gasp when he shoves me against the door. "Jack, get out. Stop."

"You think you're so fucking funny now? Going out with Woods?" His breath smells heavy of alcohol. He squeezes my neck for a second and I whimper.

"Please, stop," I try to shove him off as tears form in my eyes.

"Get your fucking hands off of me," I shout when he doesn't let go of me. A sob escapes me as he drags his hands over my body.

I try to slap him but he grips my wrists and slams my arms against the wall with one of his hands.

"Where the fuck did you get this?" He growls at me when he sees the bracelet on my wrist. The one Grayson gave me.

"Jack, st—stop, get off of me," I beg.

"Where'd you fucking get this, Emery?" He yells as he squeezes my neck again and releases my hands.

"Stop," I plead, grabbing at his hand.

"Did Woods give it to you?" Jack yells again.

When I don't answer him, he rips the bracelet off my wrist and the beads scatter over the floor.

"No," I whimper as I pry his fingers off of me.

I sink to my knees and try to pick up the beads.

He forces me to my feet and the beads fall through my fingers.

His hands are running over my body again and he tries lifting my shirt off of me.

"Jack, stop it," I sob and shove him again.

It does nothing.

He stumbles but comes right back.

He's too drunk. Or too pissed off. I can't tell.

He squeezes my neck again, harder this time. My hands fly to my neck to try to pry his fingers off, and he takes the opportunity to get my shirt off. I don't have a bra on because I'm still in my pajamas.

"You're mine, Emery," Jack yells as he slams me against the door again. "Not Woods', do you understand? You're fucking mine."

My whole body trembles as I keep trying to shove him off, but I'm crying too hard now and it's pointless. His hands trail to my shorts as he tries to get them off.

"Jack," someone shouts from the other side of the door, making me jump. "We have to go. It's taking too long, someone's going to get back soon."

"Damnit," Jack growls. He shoves me again, but away from the door this time. "I'll be back for you," he snarls, getting close to my face. "You're mine. Don't fucking forget it. And I swear if you fucking tell anyone what happened, I'll kill your fucking boyfriend."

He quickly opens the door and leaves. I scramble to pick up my shirt and phone before running into the bathroom. I lock the door and slide down it, not being able to stop myself from crying.

I unlock my phone with shaky hands and quickly send a message to Grayson.

Emery: How much longer are you going to be?

His response is almost immediate.

Grayson: Not long.

Grayson: I'm on my way back now. Why?

Grayson: Are you okay?

Emery: Okay.

I get my shirt on and quickly stand up and look in the mirror. I wipe my eyes and try to make myself look normal.

It's pointless. I hear the front door unlock and Grayson calling my name. He sounds worried.

"Emmy?" He knocks on the bathroom door.

"I'm in here," I whisper. My voice sounds so fucking hoarse.

"Emmy, can you open the door, please?" He knocks again.

"No—no, I'm fine," I gasp.

"Emmy, please," Grayson's voice sounds so desperate like he knows something is wrong. Which he shouldn't, I didn't tell him anything over text and I don't think—

Shit. The bracelet.

I take a deep breath and open the door, keeping my head down.

"Emmy, what's wrong?" Grayson asks, his voice full of concern.

When I still don't look up, he sinks to his knees in front of me so he can see my face.

I try to look away, but it's so sudden, I know he's already seen my red and swollen eyes.

"Fuck, Emmy, what happened?" He pulls me into his arms and runs his fingers through my hair.

"I broke your bracelet," I whisper, not wanting to tell him about Jack.

"It's okay," he soothes. "You don't need to cry. I'll get you another one, I promise. But what else happened?"

"No—nothing," I stutter as I bury my face further into his neck, feeling tears start flowing again.

"Don't lie to me, Emmy," his voice breaks.

"I'm not," I lie again.

"Emmy, your neck," his voice sounds strangled as he brushes hair away from my neck. Jack must have left bruises, damnit. "What happened?"

"Jack," I whimper.

"What'd he do?" Grayson swears under his breath, but he sounds like he's in pain.

"He—he came while you were gone," I stammer, trying to force my voice not to break, but it doesn't work. "He was drunk and—and he kept saying that I belong to him, not you. He was trying to get my clothes off. He got my shirt off—off and he tried getting my shorts off, Gray. But he had someone outside who told him he had to—to leave because you would be back soon."

"Fuck, baby, I'm so sorry I left you here," his whole body is shaking and his voice is trembling. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I should have been—"

"It's not your fault," I try to choke back my sobs. It's not Grayson's fault. All he's done was try to help me.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," he sneers, trying to get up.

"Please don't leave, Gray," I cling to his shirt, willing him to sit back down with me.

"Shit Emmy," he murmurs, pulling me to my feet. He puts his arms around me and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and bury my face in his neck.

"Come on, baby," he walks into my room, still carrying me, and lays down on my sheet-less bed.

Tears stream down my face as I try my best to ignore everything that's happened today, but fail miserably.

Grayson whispers that he's sorry in my ear until I fall asleep, and I'm pretty sure he's crying. Or at least close to it.

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