29. Emery

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I wake up to Grayson's soft voice.

"We have school, baby. You need to wake up," he kisses me softly.

"No," I whine. "I don't want to go."

"I know you don't," he murmurs. "But you have to."

I stick my arms out and Grayson wraps me in his arms and gently sets me on my feet. I rub the sleep from my eyes and look up at him.

"Now hurry and get dressed," he smiles. "I'll wait in the living room."

"Okay," I sigh as he walks out. My hands tremble slightly when the door closes. Grayson isn't leaving. He's right outside my door. Nothing will happen. He's still here. He isn't leaving me alone. He's here.

I throw on a pair of sweatpants and an old shirt before slipping Grayson's hoodie back on. I grab my phone and walk to the living room.

My hands stop shaking when I see Grayson sitting on the couch.

"Ready?" He looks up at me. "You're still wearing that?"

"I'm never taking it off again," I grin.

"Okay, let's go," he grabs my hand and walks to his car, laughing softly.

He drives us to school and keeps my hand in his.

"I hate school," I grumble as we pull up.

"I know," Grayson laughs.

"Yeah, well, I really hate school," I pout as we walk through the front gates.

"I know," he laughs again.

Before I get the chance to say something else, Jack comes around the corner. Oh, fuck no.

I try to tug Grayson down a different hall, but Jack has already seen us and is jogging over.

"Go away, Jack," my voice sounds higher than I want it to.

"No," he snarls. "Is that his jacket?"

"He's my boyfriend," I narrow my eyes at him. "What the fuck do you think?"

Jack steps closer to me and Grayson pushes him back.

"Stay far the fuck away from her," Grayson growls. "In fact, go stand somewhere far away from here so that she can't see you."

"I know you aren't telling me what to do," Jack sneers. "You're the fucking idiot who left her alone. It's your fault what happened—"

Grayson loses his shit. He shoves Jack against the wall and punches him. People rush all around us to watch.

"Gray, stop, please," I try to pull him off but it's pointless, he's pissed off and stronger than me. No, please. He can't get in trouble. I can't be here without him if he gets suspended. Or expelled.

Hugo and Kyle come around the corner and slam Grayson back. He loses his grip on Jack who quickly moves away from him.

Kyle and Hugo keep Grayson's hands pinned back, keeping him from moving, while Jack continues beating on Grayson. Grayson can fight, but not while he's being held down.

"Jack, stop it," I yell at him, trying to push him away. He just shoves me away from him.

I grab his wrists and try pulling him away. He slams me back against the wall, pinning me next to Grayson.

"You're fucking crazy," I hiss, trying to get my body to stop shaking.

Everyone is recording what's happening, and I know there's no way we're not all going to get suspended.

I kick at Jack blindly and manage to kick his shin. He howls and backs away from me, giving me enough time to slip away from him and grab at Hugo and Kyle.

Grayson is trying to get his wrists free. He gets one hand free and punches Hugo while Jack grabs me again.

I hear Hugo swear under his breath as Grayson somehow manages to get free of both of them.

"Jack, st—stop," I try to kick him again, but he grabs my leg. He has my wrists pinned down next.

"Get off of me," I stammer.

"If you didn't have to try to be so damn heroic all the time, I would have left you be for now. I wanted to mess with him right now, not you, you little bitch," Jack sneers at me.

Grayson pulls him off of me and punches him over and over again. My body is shaking too badly for me to try to stop him.

Devyn comes jogging around the corner with murder in his eyes.

He steps between Grayson and Jack and pushes Grayson back a little. He keeps Jack pinned against the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Devyn hisses at Grayson. There's blood dripping from his lip and his right eye is an ugly shade of purple-black.

"Gray, we need to—"

"All of you," Mr. Perkins, our principal, scolds. "My office. Now."

Damnit. Fucking damnit.

Jack shoves Devyn back a little before turning to walk toward the office.

"Emmy, I'm sorry—I'm so sorry," Grayson looks at me and whispers. He just realized how much trouble we're in. "I shouldn't have done that."

"No—no it's fine," I swallow and take his hand, pulling him towards the office. Devyn follows close behind.

Mr. Perkins makes us wait outside while he talks to Jack.

My leg bounces and I chew on my lip as we wait. Grayson slips his hand into mine and squeezes gently. "I'm so sorry," he whispers again.

"It's fine," I lick my lips. "He deserved it."

"One of you needs to tell me what the fuck happened," Devyn looks between us. He's pissed.

"He came up to us earlier," Grayson leans his head back against the wall and shuts his eyes. "He said it was my fault what happened to Emery, and I lost it. I shouldn't have fucking done that."

I lean against his shoulder and rub small circles on his palms. It's not his fault.

"It was just him and he managed to do that to your face?" Devyn looks concerned that Grayson couldn't fight him off.

"Him, Hugo, and Kyle," Grayson sighs.

"Damn," Devyn breathes. "That's fucking impressive. You'd think that you would look worse with there being three of them."

"Does it hurt?" I reach up and gently brush my fingertips over his bruised face.

"No," he winces. So yes, it does hurt.

I take his hand again and kiss his bloody knuckles.

"You three," Mr. Perkins says, his face hard, as Jack walks out with his hands in his pockets. "Inside now."

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