Spain V France

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Last Two Games Lovers <3

Today is the Semi against France. Though Emmie has no excitement what so ever than we could honestly be winning the world cup within the next week. She's all about Mbappe and how she sees him today.

Nothing about her daddy, nothing about her uncle. Not even Laporte or Ferran. Ansu we haven't really seen this world cup he's been off with family mostly but she doesn't even think of him today either.

Her entire brain was Mbappe. Every second it was "Mummy!! I see Mbappe today!" Like nothing but that. "Emmie you've said." Pablo says with a huff. "Why ain't I your favourite footballer he adds on." She looks towards him and sticks out her tongue.

"Not Mbappe." She says and turns her eyes to the book she had on her lap. As if she was actually reading it. "Emmie. We get it you love him." She smiles and looks back towards us. "Top?" She wants his shirt AGAIN but the only thing about the world cup shirts is that they have writing on the chest.

Pablo's given me his past few since he usually gives me every top he wears within each and every game. "We can't get you his top darling but we can get him to sign something." She huffs and then shakes her head. "Fine." She says.

"Pablo can you get it before the game? In case we win..." He chuckles kissing my forehead. "Obviously." He says and hops off the bed. "Right come on let's get to the stadium." He says while I take Emmie onto my hip walking down the stairs.

We get into the care that we hired sitting Emmie in a seat that was in the back. "I'm riding with you guys." Pedri says and gets in. "Ferran's stressing me about the game." He adds on. "That's Ferran for you." I say with a laugh.

Pedri and Ferran have been best friends for longer than I can remember so this was always a thing when it canes to games. Ferran would get so scared of it and he would tell Pedri how he has gut feelings on not being able to win.

Pedri hates it because it stresses his out and Ferran's gut is never right. I feel like he has thoughts more than he has a gut feeling but that's just him for you. It's why him and Fernando get along so much better.

Though we get to the stadium then out of the car. We walk inside then part with the boys to go to our seats. Only around twenty minutes later Pablo comes round with a France shirt in his hand and passes it to Emmie. "You're welcome." He says.

Emmie gasps helping the shirt and looks at the back of it. 'Mbappe 5'It says though his signature was through the number. "Daddy loves me!!" She giggles and I take her the shirt from her slipping it in my bag. "Yes but wrong stand for that shirt." I say.

Emmie huffs crossing her arms as we watch the boys come on. Within the first half we got to 1-1 but then within the second half we finally scored another goal but our teeth were still against our teeth until Pedri ran in and scored us the most perfect goal ever.

I gasped then stood up from my seat. I was whistling and yelling toward him and clapping my hands with Emmie who was just copying me. The game then ended and I had more worry than ever. I just knew that I had to be paranoid over this cup.

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