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Next morning came by so quick. The bright sun blaring into the hotel room. Mater is currently shaking Lighting awake.

"McQueen! Heya! Get yer' butt outta this darn bed! ya got tuh get on the darn track! Yer slept in!" Mater exclaimed.

Lighting grunted softly as he opened his eyes. Seeing the brunet in front of him with a large buck-toothed grin.

"Wh..– What? What time is it?" Lighting grumbled as he sits up in the bed. He rubbed his eyes.

Making a quick glance to notice Sally and Doc were no where to be seen in the room.

"Time for the darn race, McQueen!" Mater exclaimed in a repeated response.

That's when panic started to settle in Lighting's body. His blue eyes widened.

"WHAT?! AND YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME UP SOONER?!" Lighting shouted in a panic as he quickly got out of the bed to get on his racing geer.

"Uh, oh. – Well, nah. 'Cause, Sal wanted you to rest longer. Looked like you were havin' one of der uh, bad dreams of sorts. I napped for a lil while and woke up to realize the clock said 11:45 in the tootin' mornin'." Mater explained as he observed McQueen putting on his bright red racing jacket.

"Damnit, Mater! I have to make it to the track in ten minutes!" Lighting shouted at his best friend.

"Well i– uh, sorry bud. I didn't realize how early it should've been taken for ya to get on over there." Mater apologized but got an angry outburst from Lighting.

"No! I don't need your apologies! Thanks to you! I woke up so late for the race! Jackson Storm is probably laughing his head off! This isn't Radiator Springs, Mater! This is a bright flashy city!"

Mater looked somewhat hurt. "Well, er– Sal was the one that–" He got interupted by another outburst.

"Don't even dare bring up the excuses! Sally knows I have to be out there! She's probably worried sick! God damnit, Mater...." Lighting exited out of the hotel room.

Leaving Mater inside with a hurtful look in his hazel brownish green eyes.
The hotel room slammed shut.

McQueen is currently running out of the hotel room as quick as he could. Usually he's use to his speed in his bright red car. But feet will have to be dealt with until he gets to the track.

Just almost there – he heard with his ears a honk. His head made a quick turn to notice Mack's semi-truck.

"Oh thank heavens! Mack! You gotta drive me out there!" Lighting exclaimed as he entered the back of the truck.

The semi-truck's doors shut close. Just as Mater exited out of the hotel.

"Wait! Hey, uh! Mack! Can i ride up the front with ya!?" Mater asked. Lighting sighed from the back.

But kept his composure once he heard the front doors open and close once again.

As they arrive to the track. Mater exited quickly out of the semi-truck and rushed over where Doc and Sally are.

Lighting admires his beautiful shiny sticker covered car in front of his eyes. He quickly got inside as soon as he heard Mack stop the semi-truck.

The back of the semi-truck opened, and McQueen slowly drove his car out and onto the track.

Right next to Jackson Storm.

The two make a glance at each other from the car's windows.

"Hey, thought you would never make it." Jackson greeted in a snarky voice.

McQueen scoffed. "Well I'm here now, Jackson. You think you're the storm?. You're a cloud. Slow movement. You only start the storms, but I crash them away so fast with my Lighting. Kachow!"

Soon after Lighting laughed in hysterical confidence. A large smile across his face.

Mater and Sally are in the audience stands. Sally noticed the sad-look in Mater's eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asks. Mater sighed. "Yuh. Just darn fine. Let's watch the race."

"Oh, well okay." Sally responded and scratched the back of her head. The two fell silent.

Eyes glued to the race cars that are below them and at the track. Engines loud and clear. Prepared to take all the laps.

Doc and the rest of the team are at the pits. Wearing his headset so he can communicate with McQueen.

"McQueen? You can hear me right?" Doc spoke into the little microphone that is attached to the headset.

"Yeah, Doc. Hear ya loud and clear." Lighting quickly responded. He watched the flag signal them off.

That's when the race began.

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