Scene 20

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It's very late at night that I get his texts.

CADEN: Broadway

CADEN: Are you sleeping?

CADEN: Nini, come outside the hotel. I need to show you something.

Although it is very very late and I'm already in bed, I crawl out of it and head to the door. I close it very smoothly, so that April can't hear anything since she's as tired as I am and needs her sleep. Yet I'm too curious to see what Caden wants to show me to close my eyes.

I tiptoe my way down the hallway and to the elevator. There, I slowly press the button for ground floor and can't wait til I'm down. Our room is on the twenty-eighth floor, so there is a long way down. Too long. The moment the doors open, I rush outside and don't stop until I'm next to him. Caden pulls me in his arms and starts kissing my forehead.

"You came", he whispers, as if he wouldn't have believed it. I only nod, being overwhelmed by how close he is and how good he feels in my arms.

"Of course, I came", I manage to whisper, which makes him tilt my chin up so that he can meet my eyes. He then kisses my lips and I plan to kiss him forever.

"Look up", he whispers in my ear as he's kissing my neck. And holy moly, does it feel good. I never thought neck kissing was my thing until now. Yet it appears I'm a number one fan.

I do as he told me and have to gasp. The sky is filled with falling stars. It feels surreal. Like actually surreal. One can see the top floors of the high Manhattan buildings and the beauty of nature all at once. The stars are like dancing in the sky, making a show worth seeing.

I just love New York.

I look amazed at the scenery, with Caden kissing my neck in the background. If I wouldn't be shivering from the cold autumn chill right now, I would for sure have thought I was dreaming. Caden seems to notice, since he gives off his hoodie and hands it to me. He remains in only a kind of undershirt, one that clearly isn't made for the weather.

"You need it", I whisper, giving him back his hoodie. He also lifts up my arms and hands and puts it himself on me. I immediately notice how much the hoodie smells like him. And how much I want to keep it and put it on whenever I miss him.

"Better?" Caden asks me and I nod. He then takes my hands and starts playing with them or kissing them, so that they get all warm.

"Better", I whisper and turn to meet his eyes. "Thank you."

He nods as if it weren't a big deal what he just did. Yet it is. For me, it is the world.

"Make a wish, Broadway", he whispers in my ear pointing at the falling stars. I chuckle since it seems so childish, yet I close my eyes and make a wish.

I wish to have Caden with me. Always.

"Did you also make a wish?" I ask him, seeing him staring at me. He smiles and winks.

"It wouldn't come true if I would tell you, would it?"

"I guess not", I say laughing soft. He flashes me one of his smiles that quickly became my kryptonite.

He kisses my cheek and pulls me closer in his hug. After a while, I can feel him shiver. He's cold. And he's only in his undershirt, since I'm wearing his hoodie. I try to give it off and hand it to him, yet he quickly stops me and says I should keep it on.

"But what about you?" I ask him. He smirks.

"I'm a hockey player, Broadway. I'm used to the cold."

"Is you being a hockey player your answer for everything?" I ask him laughing. He chuckles and nods.

"There's one question that I can't answer with hockey though", he whispers after a while. I turn my head to him and can sense how big my eyes are, waiting for an answer. He smiles at me and takes my hand, putting it on the spot his heart is. I can feel it pounding. It's beating so fast, it sends a chill through me.

"It's beating really fast", I whisper, not knowing how to react.

He looks at my eyes as if the answer is hidden in there: "I think I started falling."

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