Scene 30

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The night seems to never end. They're holding Nini for questions for over thirty minutes now. They told me to stay outside in the waiting room, but the urge to go there and check on her is getting bigger by the second.

All the times I try to think of something else and get my mind away from the fact that the one I love most is currently suffering and I can't do anything, I think about her and the moments in the car. The ones, in which she told me she loved me. And for a few seconds, I even wanted to tell her everything. Tell her that this whole thing started out as a deal but that it got into so much more. She became the one I live for. The one I love. And those feelings aren't just a part of the terms and conditions.

Meanwhile Sofia and Alec also arrived and are now sitting on the seat next to me, Alec holding her on his lap. Sofia cried the whole time, which made Alec take care of her and make her calm down. He's hugging her and whispering stuff to her, all to see her smile again. As she's better, the two turn back to me, and Sofia is the first one to speak:

"How are you feeling, Caden?"

Her voice is so warm and soft, it shows she actually meant the question and wasn't just asking it to be polite.

So, I answer her with an honest answer: "Miserable. Absolutely miserable."

She nods, as if she could relate. As if this is exactly how she's feeling too. Another tear rolls down her face and her boyfriend quickly wipes it away.

"I'm sure Nini is going to be alright, Foxy. And if not, we'll help her. We'll make sure of it. Please, sweetheart, please don't cry." Alec says, kissing the top of her head. She offers him a faded smile and sinks her face deeper into his chest. I wish Nini were here. I wish I could help her and support her the way Alec does to Sofia right now. I wish I could hug her and tell her it will all be alright. Because it will be. Nini is strong. I know she can get over anything and won't stop til she reaches what she wants. And I will be there to help her out and offer her support. Every step of the way.

The moment I see her on the corridor, walking towards us, I bolt up straight and rush to her. I don't stop until she's in my arms and I have her in a hug. I lift her chin up a bit to see if her eyes are red. They are. She's clearly been crying.

"Are you alright?" I ask her and I can hear footsteps coming to us, probably Sofia and Alec.

"I...I will be", she says, her voice still trembling.

"What can I do for you? Tell me what to do. Anything at all", I say and I mean it. I would do anything to see her smile again.

"I, I just want to go home", she whispers and sinks her face in my chest. I give her a kiss on the top of her head and rest my lips there for a while.

"Should I go away?" I ask her, not knowing what she meant by go home. She probably just wants to go to her dorm and be alone with her friends.

"Can you come with me?" she whispers shy. I lift her chin up again to meet her eyes, who are asking me to say yes.

"Of course, Broadway. I'll come with you."

She thanks me and sinks her face in my chest again. I pull her closer and we spend some time just hugging each other, letting the silence speak for us.


It's only as Alec's car parks in front of Nini's dorm that she allows herself to take a deep breath. We all go out of the car and into the building. Then, up the staircase until we arrive to their flat. Nini is still shaking, so Sofia takes out her keys and opens the door for us. Before we enter, she makes us all a sign to be quiet, in case her other roommates are sleeping, yet that doesn't even matter anymore. The moment the door opens and we step inside, three girls run to us, all with faces that express worries.

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