chapter 2

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Another place we've moved to. We've moved 5 different times in the last month and for what? So my Dad can just keep looking for a job and keep getting fired. Mom keeps spending the money Dad makes on beer and weed. She does nothing to help make money or even clean the house. I'm the one that's always in charge of cleaning the house and the mess my mom makes.

Dad and I have both saved and tried to take mom to a mental hospital so she can get rid of her weed addiction. She always finds a way to escape and go home though. She's smart but she's dumb for wasting it on something that won't help her or her family. As long as she has beer and weed she's fine.

I woke up extra early because mom had thrown up due to her drinking so much. So I've been up since 4 am. At least I went to sleep at 8. I got mom some water and took her to her room. Then I noticed dad wasn't home when he gets out of work at around 9-10ish. It's weird for him to come late.

I head down to the living room and turn on the TV. I looked through the changes, Netflix, and Disney, but there was nothing that had caught my attention. So I turned off the TV and went to my room. Layed on my bed for a while till I saw the sun start peeking from behind the buildings.

I head to my bathroom and take a cold shower. I change into a plain white t-shirt, black jeans, and some black air forces. I let my hair dry before I head to my new school. I hate having to go to school, especially a new one. All those people that pay no attention in class and always want the attention from everyone all to themselves.

My last school wasn't that bad but the girls there were not mentally stable. I ignored every single one of them. The guys seemed okay. Some hated me for all the girls having their attention on me but I didn't care. I made some friends which hasn't happened since a while back. We made a friend group mainly because one of the four had insisted on going to a car meet which don't get me wrong, it was boring mainly because the people that went with me didn't want to walk around, look at all the cool cars and cause some of them were with their girlfriends.

Back to the present. I had debated on whether to take my skateboard or my motorcycle. I ended up choosing my skateboard because I really don't feel like stopping to get gas for my motorcycle. Also I hadn't taken my skateboard out for a ride for a while so thought it would be a good idea to take it out today.

By the time I got to the school, class had started a few minutes before. I head to the office to get my locker number and my schedule. Did I mention I hate school. I absolutely hate it. I can't stand being in school for more than lunch time. I will attend the morning classes but other than the morning classes I won't go to any other classes. Most of my afternoon classes are mostly electives but since today is my first day I will go to every class I have.

Once I found my locker I put my skateboard and take everything else with me. While walking to my first period I ran into, I think the principal or an assistant because they asked me if I was new and stuff.

She insisted on walking me to class but I didn't have a choice because she started walking and speaking to me before I could answer her. Sadly my first class was reading. I hate reading. No matter what I'm reading I will hate it. The teacher seems nice though. This class might not be that bad. The two adults had been talking while I was busy thinking and before I knew it the reading teacher had walked in the class.

"Okay settle down class." They all got quiet when they saw me. "I want to present you all to Ares. He is the student I talked to all of you not too long ago." Great, she talked about me to the class. Rolling my eyes I listened to what else she had to say. "He has moved all the way from Arizona," Does she really have to tell them about my life? Are we in some kind of scene where the backstory happens or something? "I expect every single one of you to treat him with kindness and respect."

Amazing. Now all the girls are just staring at whatever mesmerized them. My eyes roam around the classroom. Seeing who the little groups are. This one girl in particular looked bored and uninterested with what the teacher said. The teacher started talking and took me out of my little days.

"Ares in this class you can sit anywhere as long as you do what you are supposed to do, you may go ahead and take a seat." Thank the lord now I can go see what this girl looks like up close.

As I started walking to the seat next to her, people were offering me a seat next to them, mainly girls asking. Some of the guys looked at me weird like I did something wrong. I ignored all of them though. Why did walking towards her feel like an eternity? Might be all the people watching me. I finally made it to where she was sitting. She looked up at me.

Man, her eyes are so pretty. She's so pretty. She had light gray eyes, long wavy brown hair, light freckles, full light pink lips, doe eyes, and long lashes. "Can I sit here?" She looked like she was gonna have a heart attack or something. "I-uh-um sure." She whispered? I think at this point everyone is just staring at us and I think she noticed too.

Her voice even as a whisper sounded so sweet. She was beautiful. I wonder why no one was sitting next to her or talking to her. After I asked her if I could sit next to her we didn't talk at all after, even though I wanted to. I just didn't have anything to say and I'm not really a talking kinda guy.

A/N : I struggled a little writing this. I wasn't planning to make a point of view of Ares and just make the whole book on Ezra's point of view, but I thought that it might be boring with just her point of view so I might make more chapters on Ares' but not as much as Ezra. Also I had no clue what picture to add so I didn't really try hard to find one.

I hope you enjoyed it though! Might just keep this book in my drafts so I can read it myself but I don't know.

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