Chapter 16

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I was driving as fast as I could but driving safely of course. We arrive at the school in around 9 minutes. 

We all run inside to the office to get a pass before class starts. 

Once we get our passes we go our separate ways. I walk with Ezra to class and Roger walks with Lilly to her class. At least I think he did. 

As were walking to our class the bell rings and everyone walks out of their current class they were in. 

We arrive to the class before some of the other students. 

Ezra was the first to sit down in the back while I followed right behind her to sit next to her. 

I enjoyed hanging out with Ezra a lot. 

I was happy to see her and her sister were now on the same side. Watching them talk yesterday was nice. 

I just hope Lilly doesn't change the way she acts toward Ezra when she's with her friends. 

The class started filling up slowly. Ezra and I talked for a while before the teacher walked in. 

After what felt like hours school was finally over. 

I walked with Ezra to her locker. Lilly and her friends walked passes us. I heard some them whispering about something before they walked to us. 

"Her loser" one of Lilly's friends said completely ignoring me being right next to her. 

Ezra just stayed quiet. 

"Come on, don't tell me you shy all of a sudden cause you boyfriend is here" the other girl says. 

As Ezra was going to say something to the two Lilly speaks. 

"Hey back off, you said we were going to say hi and leave" Lilly crossed her arms as she speaks. 

"What's up with you? You don't even care for her" the first friend says also crossing her arms. 

"Yeah, you've been acting different all day." The second friend says plainly. 

"Well maybe I realized that I don't have to pick on others to be popular. Oh and by the way I've always cared for Ezra even though I acted as if I didn't." 

As they were talking to one another they seemed to forget we were standing right in front of them. 

Before I knew it one of the two friends had started hitting Lilly. I quickly get the girl off Lilly but Lilly takes that into her advantage and starts hitting the girl. 

Roger comes out from out the corner off my eye. Seeing his girlfriend hitting the girl made him run to her and turn her away from the girl. The second friend actually started hitting Lilly when Roger turned her away from hitting the girl I was holding. 

Ezra being the only one able to hold the second friend, grabbed her hands, and held them behind her back. 

I let go of the girl I was holding. 

"You two leave" I say rather upset. 

"Why would we do that?" The first friend says crossing her arms. 

"Because if you don't I"ll tell the principal what you two did" I also cross my arms. 

She let out a groan before telling the other girl to drop it and leave. 

Ezra let's the second girl go, as they both leave. 

I walk over the Ezra making sure she wasn't hurt since the girl she was holding was fighting her to let her go. 

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