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Thanks for over 400 reads btw.
Triggerwarning: Kidnapping (If that needs a triggerwarning, i'm not sure. But better be safe than sorry :⁠-⁠) )
-Marys pov-

It was nearly midnight and i was starting to get tired. So i said goodbye to all of the guests and dismissed myself.
Mistress allowed me to, even If I think she was sad that I would leave before her speach. But I just couldn't stay awake longer.

I made my way to my room and closed the door. Then I turned around expecting to find my freshly made bed. But to my suprise it was all messy and there were even some spots on the sheets. Am I in the right room? I looked to the door again to see If I didn't accidentaly choose the wrong room.

When i turned back I nearly had a heart attack. That dirty smirk. The man from the village now sat in my could he have been so quiet.

Uhhgg, Mary excuse me. You have other problems right now.
The moment I finally realised what danger i am in, it was already to late and everything turned black.

Was something in my drink? Did he knocked me out? I couldn't even remember when i woke up in the back of a car. My hands and legs were tied together and I had some sort of mask on preventing me from seeing anything.

I started to panik. Was this my end? What If noone will even notice? Mistress's birthday isn't over 'till 5;00 in the morning. Its only past 0:00...
I started crying not knowing where this man was taking me, or even why...

Please, someone come and save me...
(Please Juliet, come and safe me...)

-Juliet Pov-

The party was great. Everyone danced and had fun. Except me...since Mary left it feels like my reason to stay at this party is gone.
Aiden keeps teasing me about it, wanting me to go to her room, bringing her back.

And to be honest...thats what i'm doing right now. Lilly said she would come with me, since she knew better than me which of these rooms belong to which exact Maid.

So i was even more suprised finding Marys door open. We carefully peeked inside...but noone was to be seen.
So i simply walked Inside, knocking on the bathroom door.

No response...

In the meantime Lilly looked at the bed, looking like she found Something.

"M-milady? I-i think you should see this..." She held up a letter, that was written in a terrible unclear handwritting. But that made it clear to me who this letter was from.

Once the realisation kicked in a broke out in tears knowing what this letter means. Thats when Aiden walked in...

"Did you guys broke up? Why are you crying Ju?" He joked, not knowing what was going on.

Lilly took it from there and gave him the letter, and his expression changed in a second. "HE? HE has her?!"

I only nodded scared of what HE'll do to her.

"I'm sorry to ask but...who is HE?" Lilly asked carefully. I looked at Aiden with teary eyes, hoping he would explain, who HE is.

Aiden understood my message and started to explain shortly "you wouldn't understand the complet backstory. But to make this short, HE is a dirty Ass-"

"Aiden!" I warn him. He know I don't Like cussing. No matter how much this motherf-*bleep* would have deserved it.

"Sorry sis, but i think we have bigger problems then my language." He turned back to Lilly "so HE simply is a dirty pervert that enjoys scaring girls. He mostly isn't going to do anything physicaly to them. But HE tortures them mentally...making them think that its over, or than something bad will happen any minute"

Lilly thought for a moment..."there was a guy the village....he looked at Mary the whole time with a ...somewhat dirty smirk..."

Aiden and I looked at her shocked. Before anger built up inside me. "Why did I let her leave the Party!? Now she is gone!!" I scream and start crying more.

Aiden seemed angry too, but he was better at controling his emotions, and instead walked over to hug me. Trying his best to calm me down. "You couldn't have known... noone would have guessed that HE was waiting here for her..., its not your fault"
He started scratching my back in circles gently, succesfully calming me down a Bit.

-Marys pov in the meantime-

I don't know how long i've been here now, it felt like hours and he hasn't done anything to me....yet.

If Mistress even noticed that i was Missing? Would she even care, she never went to my room without me...she wouldn't have a reason to check on me.
Noone has a reason to check on me...

Will someone please come and save me?

There was still so much I wanted to tell Mistress, so much unspoken feelings.
I haven't even apologized to Lilly for treating her that coldly even tho she was always nice to me....
And I haven't thanked Aiden yet for helping me and being there from me. Even If this whole "Doll"-thing annoyed me sometimes.

I want it back now. Please.

"... someone just help me..." With that I passed out...

To much drama? Don't worry....I think after succesfully killing of Mary.

Just kidding, but for real. For now this is one of the last bad events that is going to happen, after that it'll be completly lesbian daily life that will want you to get a girlfriend. (⁠•⁠ө⁠•⁠)⁠♡ ( but i can't stop myself from making more don't expect a complete stop)

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